north korea and george can't hear

  1. 1,048 Posts.

    hello george it’s kim jong il
    I have a plan to fit the bill
    and settle in a friendly way
    can you hear me george!
    could george be away?

    would you pretend we proffered not
    our hand as friends
    and take it not
    for else to push japan from calm
    to nuclear chests
    that mean us harm

    and arm japan
    against her kin
    her will is yours
    to do her in
    already blubbering for whales are sin
    velli soon soup
    shall have no fin

    hello george it’s kim jong il
    hello george it’s kim jong il
    hello george it’s kim jong il
    hello george it’s kim jong il
    hello george it’s kim jong il
    hello george it’s kim jong il
    hello george it’s kim jong il


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