Fool I never said I voted for latham!! Every economy is booming...

  1. 1,530 Posts.
    I never said I voted for latham!!

    Every economy is booming and has low interest rates...sheesh the yanks have raised theirs 13 times in the last 13 meetings and they are still lower than ours.
    Every country has booming real estate and stockmarkets you fool.

    Howard and his cronies are corrupt pigs, how many times have they lied to us over the many short memories.

    Lets vote for social values for a change instead of fatter bank accounts and working more hours, wake up to yourselves, and yes i have worked in the financial industry, have worked as a broker a miner and a labourer on farms.
    Brokers and real estate agents are selfish dogs in general...but hey most of Australia is becoming like that now!!

    IR laws suck...say goodbye to the aussie way of life...whats left of it anyway
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