ir question, page-13

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    watso apologises for making several posts on this topic. watso is retired, so personally, ir will not bother him -

    worthy of a read

    Workers are in trouble when the rot sets in at Vinnies

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    Adele Horin
    July 28, 2007

    The St Vincent de Paul Society is an honourable charity that is unafraid to confront the Federal Government on welfare policy. It stands close to the marginalised and poor and speaks up for their interests. But even this venerable organisation has caught the Work Choices bug characterised by Rambo-like staff relations.

    This week it was ordered by the NSW Industrial Relations Commission to reinstate two charity workers sacked in circumstances the commission found were harsh, unreasonable and unjust. When invited by their manager in a team meeting to speak frankly, the two workers offered criticisms the manager found malicious and unacceptable. And when the two were told to express their complaints in writing as individuals, they refused and insisted on putting their grievances collectively on behalf of their team. They were sacked for disobeying a lawful and reasonable direction.

    With Work Choices a major factor in the Federal Government's unpopularity, the St Vincent de Paul case highlights what average workers stand to lose. The charity workers, with union help, were able to appeal against their sacking under old industrial laws because Work Choices in law, if not spirit, does not apply to St Vincent de Paul (it is not a constitutional corporation).

    But average workers in most small or medium enterprises have lost their right to appeal against unfair dismissals; and workers who have signed an Australian Workplace Agreement have lost the right to bargain or put their grievances collectively. Even if the majority of workers in a firm wants to bargain collectively, it is illegal under Work Choices unless the boss agrees, a veto absent even in the US.

    The Government is fighting a rearguard action on Work Choices, which remains the policy that most distinguishes it from Labor. The law concentrated power in the hands of employers, and alienated the battlers. It smashed the consensus that governments must maintain a balance between protecting workers' rights and bosses' rights. And now the Government is trying to convince the battlers they are better off on individual agreements than on collective agreements.

    While it has tried to kill off collective bargaining for workers, the Government has been running an extraordinary series of advertisements extolling the benefits of collective bargaining for small businesses. Under the provocative headline "Collective bargaining - making it easier to do business" it highlights the benefits to small businesses of banding together to gain "greater equality" in their negotiations with larger businesses. It says "collective bargaining" would enable small businesses to be on "a more equal footing" with larger firms. All too true.

    Yet workers have been cast adrift. At the proverbial bargaining table, they are on their own regardless of age, skills or English proficiency. If job applicants are presented with an employer-dictated agreement, they must sign it or walk away (and if unemployed they risk losing their Newstart Allowance for eight weeks for refusing a job offer).

    Many bosses have behaved reasonably and maintained collective bargaining arrangements, and most workers have resisted any inducement to switch to agreements (it is illegal to force existing workers to switch).

    But a new report shows that for the increasing number of job applicants who signed agreements, the outlook is gloomy. Overwhelmingly, these agreements have either abolished or reduced overtime rates, penalty rates, shift allowances and public holiday pay - and to a greater extent than previously thought. The report by professors David Peetz, at Griffith University, and Alison Preston, at Curtin University, for the Victorian Government, reveals 90 per cent of agreements from May to September 2006 abolished or "modified" penalty rates, 88 per cent abolished or "modified" overtime rates, 89 per cent did the same for shiftwork loading, and 82 per cent for holiday pay. Many employers were all too happy to grab the powers the Government had handed them.

    As well, the hourly pay difference between a typical worker on an agreement and one on a collective agreement turns out to be worse than was previously calculated. Using new data on median earnings (as distinct from average, which can be distorted by a small number of high earners), the researchers show typical workers on agreements in 2006 earned 16.3 per cent, or $4 an hour, less than typical workers on collective agreements. The worst affected were unsurprisingly those with the least skills and low bargaining power in small enterprises.

    In organisations with fewer than 500 employees, agreements pay less than collective agreements, and the wage shortfall widens as firms get smaller. For women the gap is even worse.

    Some workers do better on agreements, especially those in communication services, government administration, and finance/insurance especially - areas prepared to pay premiums to keep unions out. Ironically, miners on collective agreements are doing better than those on agreements because of strong unions in coal. In nine of 16 industries examined, workers on agreements did worse than counterparts on collective agreements.

    Overall, the battlers can derive no comfort from Work Choices, and the Government's new "fairness test" testifies to its desperation. But the test, which is weaker than the earlier "no disadvantage" test it scrapped, has come too late to regain trust. Work Choices worked as the Government intended. Why ever did it think the battlers would buy it?

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