Something remarkable happened yesterday. A sovereign state...

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    Something remarkable happened yesterday. A sovereign state openly attacked Israel, destroyed some military assets with missile strikes, terrorized the Israeli citizens with drones and missiles, and suffered only from gnashing of teeth. Yes, the fat lady hasn't sung yet, but still... what other nation has dared to do same? Iraq supported the Palestinians and was attacked twice and its leader hung in a public square. Libya supported the Palestinians and it was attacked and its leader was sodomized and brutally murdered. Syria supported the Palestinians and it was attacked and nearly destroyed, saved only by Russian and Iranian intervention. Egypt attacked Israel and was defeated, its leader assassinated, and neutered by bribery. Lebanon supported the Palestinians, suffered a devastating civil war, and has since been subject to crippling political interference. Hezbollah survives but cannot control the state.

    The Israelis have tried for decades to get the US to attack Iran, and even after this direct attack the US has refused to do so. Who do the Israelis fear? Iran. They will not attack without a guarantee of US military support. Iran has struck a US military base with missiles and captured and destroyed US military drones, and when asked if they would allow a token, face saving reprisal strike they refused.

    I would guess that the strike on the Damascus consulate was not approved by the Americans and was an Israeli attempt to force the issue and gain US acquiescence for a military adventure. So far no dice.

    Now it will be more difficult for Ukraine to receive funding and military equipment, especially critical AD supplies.

    Israel has been shown to be vulnerable and incapable of retaliation without allied support. It can't even defeat Hamas without committing open genocide.

    And the Yemenis remain unbowed as well.

    Quite a day.

    Posted by: the pessimist | Apr 14 2024 15:29 utc

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