Iran begins attack on isreal, page-147

  1. 22,302 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 125

    Well isn't this lovely. If Iran responds and Ritter is right Israel will be subject to a significant attack that will actually truthfully be accurate as a existential threat. There are rumors and hints that Erbil air base was used. If so then it could get flattened bringing USA in. Now universal law kicks in. Do onto others before they do into you. Commonly known as war. From here on out all reporting will be lies. These strikes were not nuclear so Israel is not trying to completely destroy Iran just yet. IMO next strike is either nuclear or with USA participation. If Iran decides this was done with USA participation the US bases get hit and voila Bibi gets his USA military. Irans in a hard spot now. The reality is there is no sense trying for tit for tat. Its about trying to destroy capabilities now. Use it or lose it. Lovely. All we can hope for is this stays a regional war. When does Iran target the carriers? When do the Ohio class subs launch their full load of tomahawks?
    What happens to the Palestinians now?
    If USA steps in will Russia and China?

    Posted by: misnomer | Apr 19 2024 2:39 utc

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