iran israel, page-631

  1. 18,565 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2630
    Well, let me enlighten you about the REAL BEGIN.

    Deir Yassin massacre, April 9, 1948 . Begin’s Irgun soldiers killed 250 sleeping Arab villagers at Deir Yassin, a suburb of Jerusalem . "25 pregnant women were bayoneted in their abdomens while still alive. 52 children were maimed under the eyes of their mothers and then were slain and their heads cut off." 6 "…Menachem Begin, the leader of the Irgun gang, himself admitted on December 28, 1950 in a press interview in New York, that the Deir Yassin incident had been carried out in accordance with an agreement between the Irgun and the Jewish Agency and Haganah." 7 Begin was always proud of what he had done, considering Deir Yassin a legitimate military target. Irgun trucks drove throughout Judea , announcing by loudspeaker to hundreds of thousands of Arabs that unless they fled Israel they would meet the same fate. Deir Yassin and subsequent terrorist acts precipitated flight of more than 800,000 Arabs from Palestine . In town after town Zionist soldiers drove Palestinians out, usually killing any person who delayed or attempted to take any possessions with them. Arab towns were bulldozed, replaced with Jewish communities. 8 Begin comments on the level of Palestinian terror generated by Irgun’s massacre at Deir Yassin. "Out of evil, however, good came. This Arab propaganda spread a legend of terror amongst Arabs and Arab troops, who were seized with panic at the mention of Irgun soldiers. The legend was worth a dozen battalions to the forces of Israel .” 9 Israel exiled these unfortunates to concentration camps in Lebanon , the West Bank , and Gaza , refusing to allow them repossession of their land and property or adequate compensation.

    Note, the Date I highlighted above9th April 1948.

    Now, the Arab armies (Arab countries that supported Palestine) in your word "attacked" Israel on 14th May 1948. Again, note the date.

    These are REAL FACTUAL details. Not the BS narratives from Zionists.

    It was the massacres like at Deir Yassin which prompted Arab countries to come to the assistance of Palestinian - not what has been projected by Zionists as "Arab countries attacking Israel"!!!

    Go on, look it up.

    Check up the dates and see if it matches to what I posted above.

    Last edited by Cosmoterios: 20/04/24
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