Yes way out of depth Trump orders a strike like a hothead and...

  1. 1,666 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    Yes way out of depth

    Trump orders a strike like a hothead and then backs down.

    He spews venom all over twitter to get those Iranians and talks himself backwards that it may have been human error

    He ordered strikes with no evidence in Syria on proven fake chemical weapons claims and nearly sent the US to a nuclear war with Russia.

    Perhaps its Kabuki theater to save face or perhaps he really is unhinged and very poorly advised

    This repeated behavior with other nations with threats and than back-downs and threats doesn't work on an international level as a form of negotiation style be it over war or sanctions. It undermines the US credibility long-term as a partner or negotiator.

    We may actually be witnessing the last President of the US if he doesn't pull his head in and act more diplomatic than megalomaniac
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