Iran Testing Missiles Amid Nuke Talks - May, 24th, 2006The...

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    Iran Testing Missiles Amid Nuke Talks - May, 24th, 2006

    The results are in and unfortunately we are not referring to American Idol. The results we are talking about are for the Shihab-3, a long range Iranian missile that has just undergone another test flight. The missile is capable of hitting targets in Israel, and the missile is near completion. The news comes ahead of a meeting today in London by world powers that will aim to solve the crisis involving Iran’s nuclear program.

    We have every reason to believe that at this meeting world powers are sitting around a table, attempting to draft a peaceful solution which aims to halt Iran’s enriched uranium program. It seems a bit irresponsible for the international community to show such a soft response to the Iran crisis given that Iran’s President has said that Israel will almost certainly be wiped off of the map.

    The longer the international community waits to go into Iran and deal with the situation properly, the more time Iran has to find support for its cause. Countries such as Jordan, Portugal, Venezuela and Cuba have recently strengthened their diplomatic relations with Iran and are fully supporting Iran’s supposed “right” to an enriched uranium program for atomic energy use. The incentives for these countries to support Iran are huge as support could help to procure oil from Iran for future consumption. It is for these same oil-driven reasons that China and Russia have recently shown support for Iran, but now things have changed. Iran’s often unpredictable and aggressive behavior has scared China and Russia along with the rest of the G8. Russia is now backing efforts by the UN to halt Iran’s nuclear efforts.

    Iranian President Ahmadinejad knows that the situation is getting dangerous. Ahmadinejad claims to have repeatedly made attempts to have direct talks with Washington. Meanwhile, the Bush administration has said that Iran has not addressed any of the real issues that are of a concern to the US, such as the state of the Iranian nuclear program. One theory for Washington’s lack of communication with Iran is that the US is planning for an invasion.

    Perhaps the Bush administration had been planning for an Iran crisis since day one, and maybe Iran is the real reason for the second invasion of Iraq? It is possible that going back into Iraq was really about stopping Iran at some point in the future? When you look at a map of the Middle East, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, and Syria are all at about the same latitude. If the US could invade Iran and ultimately Syria, the US would control most of the world’s oil supply and eliminate much of the threat to Israel. The US already owns fifty percent of the countries on the list. Thus we believe that the Bush administration will probably launch an invasion into Iran, and you can bet that Israel will not wait on the sidelines if that fight begins.

    -Dustin Loob, Senior Analyst IWT
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