-- iran., page-4

  1. 197 Posts.
    Thanks Dub .. will look at this later in the week.

    Iran continues to produce enriched uranium that it claims is for a civilain nuclear programme (although it has no nuclear-powered reactor that could use the suff), but which could make a bomb.

    Israel thinks that Iran will have the know-how to make nuclear weapons within months and, thereafter, could build atomic bombs within a year. Economist.

    Scary ! Mad Mollahs with the bomb.

    Strange and sad... Iranians are the most western like people of the middle East from what I have seen, like what the Japanese are to Asia, the Iranians are to the Middle East. I once had a Iranian born g/f she lived in Germany and her family was clean cut and down earth pro western people, none of this thumbimg their noses at the USA, they knew who in the end will take care of them, and it's not the Chinese or the Ayatollahs.
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