Fundy Fundy Fundy, Now you are really scratching the bottom of...

  1. 289 Posts.
    Fundy Fundy Fundy,
    Now you are really scratching the bottom of the barrel ... cutting, pasting and re-Posting a Post for no other reason than someone gave you a "tissue" to blow your nose...... Seriously what value to the thread is that ?

    Take a good look at what is happening are being moderated out of existence because you are so extreme. It does not matter what any Poster posts, you ignore the topic or subject matter and hijack the thread for your inherit hatred for Jews and inability to acknowledge that a terrorist organisation can be of Islamic origins just as to a Christian or Buddhist group could be or Political.

    You never respond to a straight out question from Posters and ridicule, disregard every piece of information or data from them as being produced by Jews. IMO you are a seriously troubled man. There is never any intelligent rational discussion with you.

    I will share this with you ,I had absolutely no previous interest in Israel nor your rants on Jews going back in history 1000's of years. I am against Extremists in all shapes and sizes , period.

    However I will tell you this Fundatech , your hatred and irrational responses on this forum to Jewish people in particular and your inability to denounce evil murderous and barbaric Extreme Islam that is engulfing the world and affecting lives of people who never had the "baggage of Islam" in their lives before has convinced me, that whatever the history or past I would support an Israeli, a Jewish person everyday of the week over you or your cohorts views because of the way you have behaved on this site.

    IMO your so-called "moderate" attitude, intolerance unreasonable thought processes have convinced me that you are a BIG part of the problem for our secular, pluralist and democrat society. The society you subscribe for is not found in Australia , it is in a Caliphate being formed somewhere in the desert between Syria, Turkey, Iran and Iraq.
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