iraq situation worsening

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 16
    Bad news for Bush as this will further erode support for the Republicans in next weeks US Congressional elections;
    United States military deaths in Iraq climbed to 100 on Monday, making October the deadliest month for American troops in a year, as militias and Al Qaeda stage fierce battles in Baghdad and elsewhere.

    The violence, unrelenting despite a four-month security crackdown in the capital and additional US troops on the ground, had been blamed on the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, when attacks generally rise, and on increased patrols in tense areas.

    The death of a Marine in western Anbar province on Sunday, announced by the US military on Monday, brought US military deaths in Iraq to 100 for October.

    November 2004 was the deadliest of the 42 months of war for the US, when 137 died. In April 2004, 135 died.

    Defence officials attributed those tolls to offensives in Fallujah.

    In all, more than 2,800 have died in Iraq, the military says.

    There are about 147,000 US troops in Iraq.

    More than 300 Iraqi police and troops died during Ramadan, according to US General George Casey.

    The United Nations estimates more than 100 civilians die every week in Iraq.

    The violence swept away any hope in the Pentagon of reducing US troop levels soon and has led the Bush administration to press Iraq's government to take on more responsibility for security.

    - Reuters

    Dave R.
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