### iraq solution is simple ###

  1. 24,765 Posts.
    Here's an e-mail I received today.

    "I don't see what all the fuss is about. Saddam Hussein has been defeated. Iraq has been liberated of the tyrant.

    The solution to the current Iraqi problem should be obvious to anyone with concern for the general good and anyone who wishes to save lives of the coalition of the willing.

    The opposition to this coalition is eak and disorganised. It is a rabble. But it is being allowed by us good guys to be more than nuisance value because we are being too timid, to the detriment of our soldiers' lives.

    When thought through properly the hard decision should really be the easy and obvious decision. In the long term it will save more lives by discouraging rebellious elements to rear their ugly heads against the American saviours, the defenders of liberty and freedom, and her honourable allies.

    It is very simple. If this evil rabble occupies and tries to govern a town, guerilla warfare is not the answer. The good guys should neutralise the occupied town and the enemy within until the town and the enemy are nothing more than dust.

    There will then be no more opposition to the Americans who will have shown that if the Iraqis are not prepared to save themselves from insurgent, undemocratic, tyrannical elements, the Americans and her allies will come to their rescue and saintlike do it for them."

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