Found this posted on a Middle East travel board a while back. A...

  1. 9,046 Posts.
    Found this posted on a Middle East travel board a while back. A good read if nothing else. I think the Saudis have just moved themselves up a notch or two on the list....


    Saddam is seen as a menace to the US in that he is sponsoring the Palestinians to blow themselves up and pays the families for their troubles. Many Americans see the Palestinians as dupes who are prompted by Hamas and Hezbollah and Saddam. The US has a list of people it is going to slice a loaf at a time.

    Saddam just happens to be at the head of the list at present. When a Palestinian kills a bunch of helpless Israelis by blowing himself up the average American feels, however rrationally or not, that the Israeli is just a surrogate for Americans...that the Palestinian would kill Americans the same way. So the American IDENTIFY with the Israelis and they see the Palestinians as vicous little ****'s who would kill Americans if they had the reach.

    Americans see Saddam as a butcher who will fund an atomic for a thug like Osama. He's got a big red white and blue X marked on his butt. We are going to kill him and take his country away from him and pump the Oil to Texas. And it doesn't have to seem fair or reasonable. We just kill people who are like that. And I expect most of the countries in the Middle East are going on the list sooner or later.

    Syria will have a problem eventually. Then Israel and Jordan are going to get part of that pie and Turkey gets the border. The entire Middle East is going to be scrambled like eggs.

    Afghanistan...Iraq..Iran...the US has that kind of punch. We did Afghanistan in a few weeks...was that a big surprise. We did Iraq once before and regarded it as unfinished business..when Iraq kicked out the inspectors we had our excuse. You can look at it all other ways ,of course ,but Americans are not going to listen. We are self-centered and arrogant and we have so much power you don't stand a snowball's chance in hell of even slowing us down. Especially since we will take you one at a time, like slicing bread as I say.

    It can't be happening, right? Go back to sleep.

    You don't have any idea about how bad it is going to get. Iran is going after Iraq. The US will pick a fight, get a solid excuse, and then stand off out of reach and fry you one by one. You will all be courageous as hell and go up in smoke. The Taliban never stood a chance and neither do you.

    Jordan is a big Tank Park and we own it and Israel is one big logistics stockpile. Jordan will get a third of Iraq. Turkey will get another third. The CIA will raise up an Iraqi Liberation Army and give American citizenship to any Iraqi officer who leads Iraqi soldiers into Baghdad as an American spearhead to do our dirty work for us.

    Turkey will get the Kurds and control of the NATO Oil which will all somehow make the BIG OIL companies happy in Texas. No? Stay tuned to the real world. How Do you think it works?

    The Shia's will enlist in the Coalition and 70,000 Iraqis will fight street by street to take Baghdad for the American-led Coalition. Jordan and Pakistan will practically own Tikrit and there will be enough Oil to pay for everything. Next thing you know the Ummah has a MacDonald's in Basrah and a Kentucky Fried Chicken in Mosul.

    And Israel will keep all their corner cozy as an American reserve. The Palestinians will be fenced in a sewage farm by Sharon who will turn off the lights, cancel all the jobs and toss the key over the fence. And if the Palestinians want to continue they can do it without Hamas, Hezbollah and Iranian and Iraq money...because Iraq and Iran are going to be an attraction at DisneyLand. Arafat is an embarassment to everybody and no one respects him. Palestinians are the dumbest politicians in the world and are going to be left with absolutely zero.

    You wanted my patriotic opinion? You're fooked.

    We ran it all through the NORAD computer and you have an 87% chance of being a ham sandwich by late 2005/ Egypt will survive...Turkey will survive..Jordan will kiss as*...Saudi will have a revolution and the US will establish a protectorate in the Oil fields and the CIA will arrange an "equitable" settlement for Peace, Freedom, and the good of all concerned.

    Osama is dead and Musharaff is wearing a hairpiece. The US is not loved very much and the American people don't really give a sh*t.

    You can laugh .You can cry. But chances are ,if you are an Arab - you can't vote.
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