To use your analogy - its not only daylight robbery, but you...

  1. 834 Posts.
    To use your analogy - its not only daylight robbery, but you have also convinced the neighbours next door, the police outside, TV news editors, and mums on the sidewalk to cheer you on as you demand the family silver from the house you have just invaded.

    A truly incredible feat....And we have just swallowed it hook line and sinker. I watched FOX News channel on cable last night as they did over Powell / SADDAM / Terror etc etc, and was just sickened with the one sided blindfolded coverage we are being subjected to.

    Just can't believe it at all. And then the US ambassador to Aus attacks Crean for making an issue of our support for the war!. On ninemsn last night there was an 80% agreeance in a poll that Powell's evidence did not justify war yet we still have this stuff served up to us on TV and we swallow it- incredible.

    In Afghanistan it was for the oil pipeline from central asia - now its to control the second largest oilfield on the face of the earth. What unmittigated greed and betrayal on behalf of the US politicians and their international banker mates - and trechery to send our sons to die so they can achieve their goals. The only terror risk we face is from these interests bankrolling radicals and then piggy backing on their efforts with more intrigue to make us fearful of terror attack. What a load of baloney. I just dont buy it. Its manipulation of public oppinion. Anyone who believes that those twin towers collapsed without some form of covert assistance is just plain uneducated.

    The real perpetrators should be tried and put in goal. And I'm not talking about Osama bin skapegoat.

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