Iraqi "olive branch" will solve nothing, page-3

  1. 10,605 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 26
    re: Iraqi Hi Grant,

    if there had ever been a chance of bipartisan agreement (as would be required ) from the Security Council in order for them to mandate a military strike against the Iraqi's then this would have taken place some time ago.

    Fortunately or unfortunately the Security Council is not simply a rubber stamp for American Foreign policy imperatives (and be sure I say this from as neutral a position as it is possible to be talking theoretically from only).

    If it were, then the Security Council would not be required at all and the US Congress and Administration could just make all those troublesome decisions for everyone and save a whole load of bickering.

    Of course, not everyone agrees with the US view on what is best for the Middle East - least of all the Arabs so its unfortunate for them (the Arabs) that they are positively floating on oil otherwise the US would probably just leave them to sort it out amongst themselves.

    I suspect the US cares not two hoots what the Security Councils view is any more than the Iraqi's do. The only reason the shooting hasn't started already is that George Jnr is having some problems convincing his friends this is such a flash idea (and that the 'evidence' is real - starting with Germany amongst others.....
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