chuckie and all his alter egos Anna....Chuckie.....EricThe...

  1. 5,748 Posts.
    chuckie and all his alter egos Anna....Chuckie.....Eric

    The advent of snooker in my view heralded a significant change in the atmosphere of HC. Here was someone who had no interest in stocks, made no contribution and used HC simply as a political forum. Here was someone keen to push a political line in a confrontational way. He attracted others eager to do the same and gradually the rot has set in.
    Pure garbage. In my early days here I posted on stocks.

    Why the change? Two reasons.....The stocks were going no where....The rampers, the liars, the charlattans were out in full force....little people were doing there dough.

    I wanted no part of it.

    So I took a lengthy furlough.

    From time to time I'd sneak in for a look and could not believe the crap that was being dished out against the Israelis...then subtely over to the Zionists...and in all of the Jews.

    This was occuring during the worst times of the Intifada orchestrated by an animal no less notorious than Saddam, despite his Nobel Prize.

    I watched and watched......and no one said a word in defence of Israel....of my coreligionists.....just an empty void of conspirtal silence.

    Yes I saw Yaks posts and a few other....but that was not enough.

    I decided that it was time for the people on HC who were reading loaded get a view from the other side.

    So, I started posting top writers....not hate filled crazies.....not even if they were some Jewish nuts......but carefully selected writers, who knew how to write.

    The posts that have come out against Israel or Jews on the other hand, seem to have this hate filled agenda....Jews taking over the world........Jews are Nazis etc etc....and who were the posters?

    More often than not....left wing ratbags....Yes, there were a few reasonable posts.....but the overwhelming majority were either from racist websites ot just plain crazy KKK nutcases and the like.

    MAny of the posters on Hotcopper I believe, can see through the garbage, the hate filled anti Jew garbage, often masquerading as simply trying to give "constructive criticm of Israel".

    You wouldn't even begin to understand, but we Jews have developed a sixth sense....we can smell the real McCoy no matter what dressing they cover themselves up with.

    Even in your Eric persona, you could matter whether your grandmother was jewish maternally or paternally.

    You said yourself, that your parents gace it all away and that you had been sent to a Christian Sunday school.

    You wouldn't have that sixth sense, not in a fit.

    We are not paranoid. We know when garbage is being posted....Some people do it innmocently and might be labelled as anti-semitic...unfairly.

    But the bulk who carry on in that vein are ....anti semitic....not because I am paranoid.......They just are....It's in every fibre of their body. One can tell the way they go about the net hunting for good juicy bits to put on that makes us look bad....whilst they try to appear as if they were doing it in a caring way.

    So, I do what I must......Only because the silent majority...the really good folk here on Hotcopper.....are.....silent.

    No one would have heard a peep from me except that garbage being posted was so blatant....I could not keep silent and then........... look in the mirror having kept my sileence when I should have spoken up.

    So take ........"The advent of snooker in my view heralded a significant change in the atmosphere of HC. Here was someone who had no interest in stocks, made no contribution and used HC simply as a political forum. Here was someone keen to push a political line in a confrontational way. He attracted others eager to do the same and gradually the rot has set in"................and stick it where it fits, whether you are Jewish or not!

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