funny how so much "deepest sympathy" abounds from certain...

  1. 1,673 Posts.
    funny how so much "deepest sympathy" abounds from certain politically correctAustralians over David Hicks -
    (watch him get feted when he;s released - he'll be a star!!)

    and meanwhile, there was (and still is) deathly silence over Schappelle Corby's awful ongoing ordeal! She is also, under OUR laws, innocent until proven guilty.

    Yet she rots in gaol in Denpasar - and the years are going by - where are HER troop of "White Knights"?? - i.e. civil rights lawyers, media "jumpers on causes" people lobbying pollies, and the hand wringing, bleeding heart, chardonnnay "left", always so concerend for David Hicks and his ilk??

    We cannot overturn or short-circuit Indonesian law - but there is littleempathy or concern apparent from the same public who profess heartbreak and sympathy over Hicks - and many other terrrorist suspects.

    At least Schapelle hasn't blown anyone up - or aided the cause of progressing terrorism.

    Innocent or guilty, (and I happen to think she's innocent - the unwitting victim of some shennanigins in our domestic airports, which should be but isn't, being investigated, ) someone should get her out of there.

    Many made it their "cause celebre" to very publicly "fight" the Yanks over Hicks. Why can't they then take on the Indonesians over Corby??

    No political mileage in it???

    Because there are no Americans involved, these people hypocritically can't see the value in pursuing the issue. The noisy left always want to jump on any anti American bandwagon which allows them to tweak the Americans' noses. But the Indonesians, and their courts and laws, don't seem to bring out the same angry and emotional rented banner wavers as did Hicks when it comes down to it with regard to the tragic plight of "our" Schappelle.

    I've read her book - she comes across as a very brave and determined young woman. But the passage of years may surely break her spirit eventually.

    And where are the do-gooders?? Doing good somewhere else it seems. Whatever makes the headlines - against the government.
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