Mmartan,You must be off with the faries if you are comparing the...

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    You must be off with the faries if you are comparing the gillard mess to thatcher. Thatcher had principals, a core inner belief, frugal with tax payers money, intelligence, she was sensible, did what she saw was in Britans best interest and was honest.

    Gillard on the other hand tells porkies, is demonstrably incompetent has little in the way of core beliefs as she hops from one vote buying thought bubble to another, and has cost this country billions. No one really thinks she does things in the countries best interests - her actions are all in her and her corrupt union cronies best interests and nothing else.

    Only a silly idologically blinkered person would vote for gillard - and that statement is backed up by the opinion polls showing over wealmingly australians will blast her out of office with a passion. Its only the simpleton desperados left that support her - even half of her own party know she's an incompetent debarcle and want to get rid of her evidenced by last weeks charade.
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