Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), page-12

  1. 15,725 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 452
    Seems that gut health is a really complex system. I get all sorts of GI tract problems and the triggers/remedies seem to constantly change.
    The overarching problem seems to be i just dont get enough micronutrients from my food any more (particularly zinc) which then causes other things to irritate my insides.
    I also have problems getting enough magnesium, leading to alot of muscle inflamation issues.
    Unfortunately most of my week is spent working in physical sports so i dont get much respite from these issues unless i go on holiday or take programmes of appropriate supplements.

    So my conclusions are
    a) modern life is just stressful in ways that our evolution hasnt adapted to yet, and these stresses make your insides operate inefficiently. Once the GI tract starts having issues, the usual culprits will be dairy, meat, spicey foods, booze etc. But stopping all of these without eliminating the stress wont fix the problem.

    b) modern agriculture produces nutrient deficient food. the soil is depleted of microminerals and non-organic farming practices exacerbate the problem. supplements are a band aid but only short term unless you want to take them for the rest of your life.

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