all it means is that the companies who convince young men groups...

  1. 48,513 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 651
    all it means is that the companies who convince young men groups to gamble take the responsibility.

    but the companies have a responsibility too. they are responsible for providing a product that will not cause harm to the customers.

    this they do not accept.

    I believe we are all personally responsible for our lives. but for many people it takes some years to decades to learn about responsibility. many try to avoid such as much as they can, eg. Morrison.

    such responsibility is an ideal to be striven for, not an actual reality. many, like my eldest stepson with autism and psychosis, will never learn personal responsibility.

    so theres a legitimate argument to protect such people from irresponsible companies out to scam young men.
    Last edited by Scott th Ratbag: 24/08/24
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