Bowral, I know you are sincere but I just cannot take seriously...

  1. 6,931 Posts.
    Bowral, I know you are sincere but I just cannot take seriously the kind of stuff you accept as "Gospel". Take for example this:

    "the vatican is big brother that controls globalisation and control the industrio military complex of the usa,bring the world towards its knees and one world government by deceipt

    divide and conquer through race and religion

    islam is the key to jesuit supreme rule"

    That is just so prepostrous it leaves me aghast. The military industrial complex is controlled by shareholders in those companies and the big spending Governments who order the equipment. You can provide no unequivocal evidence to support your claim. As for Jesuits and Islam it is just absurd, you have no proof.

    As for the Video by Veith, it is full of conjecture, "note the moon here in Islam and the moon here in a Christian church, obviously the two are the same and as the church came first it follows Islam came from it." That is not his actual words but the gist of one of the learned gentlmen's arguments. Further he refers to the head and arm of John the Baptist somewhere in the Middle East (I did not catch the name properly). What he said is factually wrong. I have seen both items in the Topkepi Palace in Instanbul, they must have been a remnant of the riches of the Eastern Orthodox Church in Constantinople. As a Professor he is hopeless.

    The other thing is you use material from that fraud called Alberto Rivera who claimed to be a Jesuit and who was responsible for the scandalous rubbish told in Jack Chick's comic books. Chick is a liar and his material is freely available in Bible based circles and are designed to promote bigotry towards the Catholic Church. Check out the Wikipedia entry on Rivera.
    Note it gives both versions, his and the critics, but what astounds me is a rebuttal of the Christianity Today article which exposed the fraud. In the rebuttal the Church was blamed for the assasination of Lincoln!!!!

    How any sane man could believe this stuff is beyond me.

    As for the history of your "Christian faith beliefs", as I challenged elsewhere, you are right to note I did not reply. I will tell you why. In my early days I got involved with a cultish Bible based belief system as you believe using all the arguments you put forward except for the Islam one. I cannot copy and paste responses because of the outlandish claims that are made. They requireed me to search far and wide to answer one simple question on the things to do with Russia. Even to reading the 1911 Brittanica version in hardback in a Library. I just do not know where to start with your list. However, I did challenge and you did reply so I do have an obligation.

    There is just one final point I will make with regard to Rivera, he came out strongly against the Church after defecting to the "dark side". When people convert to the Catholic Church from religions like yours and mainstream Protestant churches, they come with joy and love of their previous comrades. They recognise the weakness of their old churches but do not condemn them as you do the Catholic Church. Try looking up Scot Hahn, author of "Rome Sweet Home".
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