is a dialogue with islam possible?, page-13

  1. 7,453 Posts.
    dont worry,
    its not personal,
    im talking about the hierarchy,
    not you

    "That is just so prepostrous it leaves me aghast. The military industrial complex is controlled by shareholders in those companies and the big spending Governments who order the equipment. You can provide no unequivocal evidence to support your claim. As for Jesuits and Islam it is just absurd, you have no proof."

    i have plenty of proof

    nut would you look at it with an open mind?

    i doubt it

    ive provided plenty of proof,but your bias wont allow you to accept what you love is anything but what it claims to be

    heres another example

    How wealthy is the Roman Catholic Church?

    Just how wealthy is the Roman Catholic Church and its various orders and subsidiaries? It may not immediate appear directly relevant to the discussions to date, but in fact the real answer goes to the heart of what has happened, is happening and will happen in the near future.

    For instance, we know roughly the wealth of the top 1000+ companies around the world, we also know the wealth of most of the 191 nation state members of the United Nations--so what about the Catholic Church?

    If you were to look at any of the lists published in the past 50 years of the top 100 to 500 largest economic entities in the world (entities being any type of body corporate ie company, religion, state etc) then you would not find the Catholic Church listed even once.

    To be fair, in recent years the Vatican has published a set of accounts of sorts. These infrequent financial statements have revealed some asset values attached to the specific real estate in Rome as well as direct public cash income and expenses. However these financial statements do not include any of its subsidiary organs and subsidiaries.

    For example, the Catholic ArchDiocese of Boston as well as New York both publish annual financial statements. On even a quick look at their figures, just these two divisions of the Catholic Church hold assets and income worth several billion dollars.

    In response, the Vatican and Catholic Officials quote two important arguments: the first being that the Catholic Church considers its subsidiaries as "independent" entities when it comes to financial disclosure --a contradiction against both Church law and practice which states all organs and subsidiaries are sworn to obedience to the central power of the Holy See in Rome.

    The second argument when all else fails is to state that the Vatican is politically an independent sovereign state and so may choose to accept or reject calls for open global transparency of its financial accounts. To date, this claimed "true Church" has steadfastly refused to cooperate with any kind of global accounting of its wealth.

    Regardless of continuing refusal by the Catholic Church to declare its global wealth for its Catholic faithful and all the world to see, the stark anomaly of how a multi-billion dollar entity can manage to stay off every published list of wealthy entities remains a mystery.
    The indisputable historic evidence

    Prior to the appearance of mainstream "entertainment" based news and media, if you were to ask an educated person 100 years ago what single entity was the largest and wealthiest in the world, they would have told you without question the Roman Catholic Church.

    The clear, unmistakable and uncontestable truth concerning the Roman Catholic Church is that for 1,000 years it has been the most dominant organization on the planet, during which time it virtually owned directly or indirectly the whole or the majority of wealth of Europe.

    For the four hundred years up until the last century, it was well recognized that the Roman Catholic Church also owned and controlled vast wealth and people of the Americas including large parts of South-East Asia and Africa.

    Again, let us be absolutely clear on this. The Catholic Church for the past 1,000 years was the indisputable largest economic entity of humanity history. No other nation, corporation or group of families came anywhere close. For centuries, the Church and the Popes had unfettered access to the plunder of Islamic countries, of the ancient Celts and Saxons, of ancient Greek, of ancient Egypt, of the entire fortunes of gold of the Americas, of the mines and civilizations of Africa.

    As the largest economic entity of history for over 1,000 years, the Roman Catholic Church dominated ever single class of assets, not just gold and minerals. Its property holdings were by fare the largest of any economic entity in Europe, let alone conquered lands. Its holdings of art and precious artifacts was and is unheralded.

    The Roman Catholic Church was a founder in virtually every historic major enterprise created out of states under its influence. It had holdings in new corporations from trading companies to banks and then major industries were unmatched.

    So wealthy was the Roman Catholic Church for over 1,000 years that even if it hired every single person on the planet in 1800 as an employee and paid them in gold coins, it had enough gold reserves to keep everyone gainfully employed for centuries.

    This total domination of the Roman Catholic Church as the single largest economic entity on planet Earth for over 1,000 years can?t simply be dismissed. Prior to modern revisions of history, it was acknowledged as absolute fact- the Catholic Church was the biggest economic entity on the planet, no question.

    How then did something so dominant suddenly appear to drop in asset value to a corporation of only a few billion dollars, that it would not even rate in the top 1,000 economic entities of the world today? Simply through creative history and creative accounting.
    Creative history

    Firstly in regards to creative history, from the early 20th Century, the influence of the Catholic Church began to be downplayed.

    The reasons given for the" magical disappearance" of the wealth of the Roman Catholic are numerous, but all concerning the common theme-- economic and political incompetence with bad fortune. The loss of England was blown up to represent a major disaster to the finances of the Catholic Church from which it never recovered.

    The wars of the 16th to 18th Century were also blamed for depleting the assets of the Catholic Church until finally the invasion of Napoleon Bonaparte at the beginning of the 19th Century was used as a final blow to indicate the once great and financially powerful Catholic Church was officially broke.

    This of course is technically true. By the time Napoleon entered Rome, the Jesuits had captured most of the gold of the Pope.

    Of course, in this revised history the holdings of South and North America, let alone Africa are largely left out, let alone the influence of the Jesuits and Napoleon including the treaty at the early part of the 19th Century after Napoleon was defeated.

    Just to make sure, the loss of the Papal States at the end of the 19th Century is also used as the basis of revisionist history to claim the Vatican was broke.

    So in the space of 80 years and successive revisionist accepted histories, the world?s largest and dominant entity has been successfully transformed into a dwindling fortune that was lost, stolen and mismanaged over centuries of incompetence to the small remainder we have today.

    Remember, this slant on history is relatively recent. To say to an educated person in 1900 that the Catholic Church is not the dominant and largest economic entity in the world at the time, they?d have simply laughed in your face and told you were deluded.

    Everyone knew they were the most powerful and wealthiest organization, bar none one hundred years ago. Now, most people accept they are not even in the top 1,000 economic entities of the world.

    Of course, such creative and fraudulent history only works and has credibility if you can successfully hide the once dominant assets of the Catholic Church.
    Creative accounting

    To hide the massive assets of the Catholic Church, a decentralized system with safeguards and controls were invented. Whereas it would have been unthinkable even 200 years ago to place such wealth in the hands of bishops. However thanks to modern communication, modern finance and accounting, the task was much easier.

    The major investments of property, fixed assets were transferred under the control of the dioceses around the world. In turn, all non-visible church property was hidden via complex shelf companies and trusts.

    Major classes of assets such as shares, gold bullion, diamonds and other precious resources were transferred for direct control under the banks owned and controlled by the Vatican.

    Using the cloaks of secrecy in such states as Switzerland and even the Vatican itself, the true ownership and identity of these massive treasures could be hidden.

    The Vatican depends upon these laws of secrecy to maintain the lie of its true wealth. Without the secret banking laws and lack of uniform, proper and transparent disclosure laws around the world, the great fraud that the Catholic Church is no longer No 1. could not be maintained.

    Thus in the end, the single largest economic entity the world has ever seen disappeared from the radar of people?s minds and returned as a poor and impoverished church in desperate need of funds.
    What is the true picture of wealth of the church?

    The single largest asset class owned by the Vatican is also the easiest to see, as it cannot be hidden.

    The Vatican is the largest holder of land titles for any organization or government in the world with visible title to around US $316 Billion of property (churches, schools, hospitals etc) and around US $2,623 Billion of investment property hidden in extremely complex networks of hundreds of thousands of trusts and front companies.

    The current market property value of Vatican City, in the heart of Rome alone is worth between US $1 Billion and $3 Billion. This excludes the value of the priceless artworks and valuables stored within its walls.

    The most valuable property holdings of the Catholic Church by nation is the United States with around $50 Billion in visible property holdings and around $507 Billion in hidden property holdings through a massively complex network of front companies and trusts.

    The next most valuable property holdings are Germany (US $297 Billion of which only $29 Billion is visible property), France (US $282 Billion of which only $28 Billion is visible), Italy (US $230 Billion of which around $23 Billion is visible), Brazil (US $194 Billion of which around $26 Billion is visible) and Spain (US $158 Billion of which around $15 Billion is visible).

    What are the major property portfolio holdings by key nations? How then did the Catholic Church accumulate such a historic and massive property portfolio? How is the Catholic Church still able to hide such massive property investments while still successfully claiming to be ?poor?? How reliable are these numbers to the truth?

    The Major property holdings estimated to be owned by the Catholic Church are listed in the following table. They are researched from years of private research. If you are unsure, you can test the validity of these numbers yourself by researching published reports by various Catholic subsidiaries and do a property valuation on stated land holdings then extend this globally. The property investments are divided into visible property holdings and hidden property holdings.
    Nation Catholics Visible Hidden
    (m) (US millions) (US millions)
    United States 83.2 $ 50,179 $ 507,363
    Germany 27.9 $ 29,783 $ 268,046
    France 54.7 $ 28,245 $ 254,209
    Italy 49.2 $ 23,096 $ 207,866
    Brazil 150.3 $ 26,260 $ 168,260
    Spain 37.1 $ 15,827 $ 142,440
    Mexico 93.7 $ 21,147 $ 135,499
    Belgium 7.8 $ 9,558 $ 96,643
    Canada 12.8 $ 8,393 $ 84,864
    Austria 6.0 $ 7,514 $ 75,979
    Argentina 35.9 $ 9,550 $ 70,031
    Poland 34.5 $ 8,906 $ 65,308
    Colombia 38.9 $ 9,319 $ 59,710
    Philippines 73.3 $ 8,999 $ 50,993
    Ireland 3.5 $ 4,241 $ 42,879
    Chile 14.8 $ 5,203 $ 38,153
    Peru 25.4 $ 5,800 $ 32,866
    Hungary 6.7 $ 4,033 $ 29,577
    Netherlands 5.6 $ 3,343 $ 30,091
    Portugal 9.9 $ 3,984 $ 29,220
    Venezuela 24.6 $ 4,105 $ 23,263
    Switzerland 3.4 $ 2,355 $ 23,808
    United Kingdom 9.0 $ 2,395 $ 21,556
    Australia 5.2 $ 1,871 $ 18,923

    Visible property holdings are those property holdings clearly visible as being owned by the Catholic Church, while hidden property holdings represents between 85% and 90% of the total property holdings of the church.

    As outlined, there are principally two types of property holdings of the Catholic Church determined largely by the degree to which their ownership and value can be hidden.

    Visible property holdings- schools, churches, hospitals etc Hidden property holdings- golf courses, office high rise, industrial parks, residential apartments etc.

    While the total global value of visible property holdings of the Catholic Church are around US $316 Billion, the Vatican has developed an ingenious strategy over the past forty years to change the public mind set on the extent of its wealth.
    History of property ownership of the Catholic Church

    The Catholic Church has deliberately degraded its most emotional and valuable front lines assets for the most disadvantaged to support its false claim of having no money. In fact, the Catholic Church has gone to the outrageous step of actually closing front line services for homeless and disadvantaged people often in response to attacks and claims of being a wealthy organization.

    This innovative and unique behaviour of sacrificing assets to protect the impression of being poor is best described as the ?service hostage method?.

    The service hostage method invented by the Vatican is a brilliant and very successful strategy of deliberately sacrificing key services for the most disadvantaged and poor of western communities in order to emphasize the false claim of having no money.

    In effect, the church uses the asset as a ?hostage? against politicians and social leaders calling upon greater accountability or response to the behaviour of the church.

    Rather than the church being on the defensive, the wealthiest nation of the Catholic Church, with total property interests of over $557 Billion simply has deliberately run many of its front line services into the ground, causing great pain anguish and in some cases deaths of individuals.

    Any claim then that the church has hidden ?millions? is simply responded with the line ?so you really think a church dedicated to Christian charity would be so heartless or evil to deliberate close important services if it had the money??
    The gold ownership of the Catholic Church

    The second largest asset class owned by the Vatican is precious metals, or more specifically Gold.

    Apart from property, no other type of Asset has so obsessed the Catholic Church, nor been religiously accumulated by the Vatican than Gold. It is the currency of the Church and has been for over 1,000 years.

    So how much Gold does the Catholic Church actually control? Some say very little, citing previous wars and mismanagement. Others claim that the Vatican controls a few ?Billion? dollars in gold, with much of it stolen by Catholic Fascist regimes during World War II.

    Before this fact is answered, it is important to clearly establish just how much gold has been mined since the beginning of time, for without a very brief but clear history of gold production, it is difficult to understand the true wealth of the Vatican.
    General demand and use of Gold

    Average total global gold production over the last ten years currently stands around 2,300 to 2,500 metric tonnes per annum. Currently, the three largest gold producers in the world are South Africa (24%), Australia (16%) and Canada (8%).

    In terms of average total global demand, global demand had been running around 3,800 to 4,000 metric tonnes per annum of which 81% is used for jewelry, 10% for industrial and 9% as bullion (retail investment).

    This higher consumption of gold compared to production has led some analysts to believe that the price of gold is set to continue to rise even further in coming years.
    How much Gold has ever been produced (mined)?

    It may or may not surprise you to know that there is no unanimous agreement as to exactly how much gold has been produced, nor is still in existence and ?owned? across planet Earth.

    We know that official (public) gold reserves account for some 30,000 metric tonnes of Gold, the single largest gold deposit facility being the Federal Reserve of New York with around 5,000 in official (public) gold reserves.

    Then there are private gold reserves, not declared and included in total estimates. The internationally recognized Barclays Bank estimate around 24,000 to 26,000 metric tonnes are stored in secure private facilities and that around 80% of all the gold ever mined is in bullion (ingot) form. They therefore estimate the total Gold mined to be only 70,000 tonnes.

    However the internationally recognized US Geological Survey Department as well as historical mining publications put total global gold production from 1900 to 2006 at 128,075 metric tonnes which is over 58,000 higher from the last century alone than the total claimed by Barclays as being all the gold ever mined!

    Contrary to the banking sector which seems to substantially low ball estimates, the mining industry claims the total gold produced is closer to around 140,000 to 150,000 metric tonnes.

    However, if we take into account both accurate production measures and historical data, then from 1600 to the present day, over 150,000 tonnes of gold have been produced, which means even the seemingly ?high? figure of 150,000 tonnes is still too conservative.

    For example, over 3,000 tonnes of Gold was stripped from the American civilizations by the Spanish between 1492 and 1600, estimated to be around 40% of total global production during the period. Between 1600 and 1800, the Jesuit controlled massive slave mines of Colombia and Brazil is estimated to have produced three times the Gold stolen during the American civilization genocides.

    The most accurate estimate, taking into account all records, all historical references and the history of mining techniques and mining areas is that around 200,143 metric tonnes is closer to the figure of all gold every mined/produced.
    Years Production Total %
    pre 0 25,000 12.50%
    0-400 8,597 33,597 4.30%
    401-1490 8,129 41,726 4.10%
    1491-1600 6,513 48,239 3.30%
    1600-1800 12,312 60,551 6.20%
    1800-1900 11,517 72,068 5.80%
    1900-2006 128,075 200,143 64.00%

    Why the discrepancy?

    It is hard to reconcile why such massive and obvious discrepancies exist to deliberately down play the total size of the total amount of gold from 200,000+ tonnes to less than 70,000 tonnes.

    One obvious reason is the maintenance of high gold prices. So long as production is less than demand and so long as the markets maintain a perception of limited reserves, traders and owners of gold can demand phenomenal prices.

    A second and more difficult reason to prove is that there exists very large owners of gold, who are in such a strong financial position that they are willing to hold onto massive private gold reserves away from any accounting for strategic, political and financial advantage.

    The Russians, for example are believe to hold many tonnes of gold in private reserves that are impossible to verify. However, when we look at official estimates, we are talking about a potential discrepancy in gold estimates of over 50,000 metric tonnes (almost $1,000 Billion) simply missing and unaccounted.

    ? of the world?s total gold doesn't just simply disappear. Private collectors may hide a portion out of circulation, but eventually it returns in some way and can be tracked. Nor do individual dictators have the power or apparatus to perform such feats.
    The gold reserves held by the Vatican

    The largest single holder of ingot/bullion gold of any organization for the past 1,000 years is and has always been the Roman Cult controlling the Catholic Church.

    The Roman Catholic Church controls approximately 60,350 metric tonnes of gold, twice the size of the total official gold reserves around the world or approximately 30.2% of all the gold every mined/produced. At current prices, it puts the asset value of the greatest treasure in human history at over US $1,245 Billion.
    Years Key Reason Acquisition Total % world
    1100-1200 Eastern Crusades 9200 9300 27.7%
    1200-1350 Western Civilization 12500 21800 57.0%
    1351-1490 Templer Treasures 4200 26000 62.3%
    1491-1600 New World 3100 29100 60.3%
    1600-1800 Slave Mines 4050 33150 54.7%
    1800-1900 End of Empires 6500 39650 55.0%
    1900-1945 World Wars 16200 55850 53.4%
    1946-2006 Organized crime 4500 60350 30.2%

    At present, the Roman Catholic Church is back down to total gold domination numbers not seen since the fall of the Holy Roman Empire (around 1100) when it controlled less than 30% of total world gold.

    For most of the past 1,000 years, the Catholic Church has been in a dominant position to control the world market of gold with over 50% of all gold and a high point from around the 14th Century to around 17th Century of controlling over 60% of the total gold ever mined.

    The treasure has been split between various declared reserves as well as undisclosed reserves. Only 20% of total gold reserves are stored through third parties in official reserves, the largest declared reserve being the Federal Reserve Bank, followed by the reserves in Italy, Switzerland, Germany and France.

    The largest private (non disclosed) reserves are unknown, but likely to also be in Western countries and corresponding to the major private reserves of the oldest private banks and financial firms of Europe. They may also be reserves that are directly managed by the Vatican, however this is highly unlikely.
    The Vatican and Jesuits- The Global Financial System

    The third largest asset class owned by the Vatican is founding and key controlling stock in banks, more specifically the global financial system.

    As the largest and dominant holder of capital assets (precious metals, land through Papal Bulls and slaves/serfs) for over 1,600 years the history of the Roman Catholic Church in allowing its capital reserves to be utilized in financing economic growth is in itself the history of banking and global finance.

    The reason this obvious relationship is not well understood, nor commonly discussed is twofold: the traditional ?love-hate? relationship of the Vatican towards banks and money lenders and secondly the deliberate hiding of the enormous capital wealth of the Catholic Church via the banking system itself over the past two hundred years.

    The understanding of this relationship has both historic financial and political ramifications as it explains to a significant extent, the complicity of banks in periods of great political instability and their active work against laws of transparency and equity.
    The historic love-hate relationship between the Vatican and banks

    The Roman Catholic Church has always been in a position to dominate global trade and finance.

    However, the relationship between the Vatican and banking was never historically the same as other asset classes until the age of Jesuit financial control since the 1790?s. In many respects, the policy of the Catholic Church was to deliberately curb the growth of banking.

    One historical and erroneous explanation has always been the claim that the Catholic Church considered the charging of interest and usury as a terrible sin. Given the consistent unbroken line of high immorality and downright evil of the Popes and church officials, such this false explanation is unsubstantiated.

    When Popes did allow limited banking, the result was almost instant phenomenal economic growth across Europe and the world such as the 13th and 14th Centuries. Indication of the churches loathing of banking is indicated by its systematic dismantling of the Templar system 1100-1300 of exchanging local currency for a demand note which could be ?cashed? at any of their castles. It was not until the Jesuit and English slave and drugs traders of the 17th Century that this system returned.

    Given the guaranteed potential for the Vatican to substantially increase its overall wealth by allowing its vast capital resources to be utilized in economic growth, it is clear that unlike gold and money, the church did not see economic growth per se a positive political objective.

    Secondly, the Jewish connection often blamed for the fictitious concern of usury is more likely to relate to the ancient Sadducee families that helped form Christianity in the first place being ancient bankers as referenced obliquely in the episode of Jesus in the Temple and the money lenders.

    It is no surprise then that the families that helped establish the global banking network from the 17th century that eventually took control of the UK banks and world finance were Jewish. In many respects the ?usury? lie was just a cover to protect a rather difficult relationship to otherwise explain.
    The Jesuits and the global finance system

    Because today, the true dominant global wealth of the Roman Catholic Church is so well hidden behind hundreds of thousands of trusts, companies, cross ownerships and secretive laws, any discussion regarding the complete control of the Catholic Church and the global financial system is difficult to fathom with any credibility.

    Automatically, the natural reaction is to classify such discussions as conspiracy. In truth, the global financial system that we know today and the world economy would not have occurred, if not for the events that saw firstly the Jesuits disbanded, a war resulting in the assassination of two Popes before finally the Jesuits achieving a lasting treaty from 1814 onwards and the restatement of the most powerful order in church history.

    Unlike the greedy Popes, the Jesuits saw the vast wealth of the church as a strategic asset that could be used more precisely to ferment revolution, finance war, change governments and defeat their long time non-Catholic enemies.

    Again, unlike the insular Popes, the Jesuits had seen the power and success of using business and finance to build influence through its phenomenally successful relationships in Japan, other parts of Asia, Russia and the Americas.

    The Jesuits had the first hand experience of the pioneers of the modern finance system, the English Protestants in the 17th Century as a case history in the power of finance to power the rapid expansion of an Empire.

    Banks and in particular Private Banks were also a powerful tool for achieving strategic objectives and also provided an effective means of hiding the wealth of the Vatican, both from the Pope (from whom it was initially stolen) and from other forces.

    In banks and the establishment of the global finance network, the Jesuits discovered for the first time a means by which they could literally play two or more sides against one another, without anyone being the wiser, excluding the bankers of course, and at the same time make money from funding the conflict.

    In the past, Jesuits had focused primarily on assassination and court influence, both fraught with great personal peril. But in building the global financial network, allied with loyal families, themselves aligned to the ancient Jewish noble families that help found Christianity, the Jesuits could effectively start huge wars and never risk direct implication.
    Founded Name Nation Status
    1602 Dutch East India Company Netherlands Private
    1672 Hoares UK Bank
    1690 Barclays UK Private
    1692 Coutts UK Bank
    1694 Bank of England UK Central
    1695 Bank of Scotland UK Bank
    1727 Royal Bank of Scotland UK Bank
    1741 Wegelin Switzerland Bank
    1755 Bank Leu Switzerland Bank
    1762 Hope & Co Netherlands Private
    1784 Bank of New York USA Bank
    1787 La Roche Switzerland Bank
    1796 Lombard Odier Darier Hentsch Switzerland Bank
    1796 Darier Hentsch & Cie Switzerland Private
    1799 Bank of the Manhattan Company (now JP Morgan Chase Bank) USA Private
    1800 Rothschild Germany Private
    1805 Pictet Switzerland Bank
    1762/1806 Barings Brothers & Co Bank UK Private
    1812 City Bank of New York (now CitiBank) USA Private
    1816 Mirabaud Switzerland Bank
    1817 Bank of Montreal Canada Bank
    1818 J. Henry Shroeder Bank Germany Private
    1820 Nordea Sweden Bank
    1822 DnB NOR Norway Bank
    1824 Algemene Bank Nederland (now ABN AMRO) Netherlands Private
    1828 Centreville Bank USA Bank
    1832 Scotiabank Canada Bank
    1839 Hambros France Bank
    1848 Lazard USA Bank
    1850 HSBC Hong Kong Bank
    1854 Swiss Bank Corporation (now UBS AG) Switzerland Private
    1856 Credit Suisse Switzerland Private
    1860 J. P. Morgan (now JP Morgan Chase Bank) USA Private
    1863 Cr?dit Lyonnais (now Credit Agricole) France Private
    1863/71 Amsterdam-Rotterdam Bank (now ABN AMRO) Netherlands Private
    1864 Soci?t? G?n?rale France Private
    1870 Handlowy w Warszawie SA Poland Bank
    1870 Deutsche Bank Germany Private
    1870 Chase National Bank (now JP Morgan Chase Bank) USA Bank
    1904 American Bank of Italy (Now Bank of America) USA Bank
    1912 Union Bank of Switzerland (now UBS AG) Switzerland Private
    1913 Federal Reserve Bank USA Private
    1930 Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Switzerland Private

    The important pattern to note is the general groupings of dates of bank formation and their significance. The first is the formation of banks by English Protestants during the end of the 17th Century. This marks a watershed moment in the economic architecture of the first phase of the British Empire.

    The second pattern is the grouping of banks formed in the Netherlands and Switzerland just prior to the suppression of the Jesuits around 1767 by Portugal, Italy, France and Spain.

    The third pattern is the grouping of banks formed during the active suppression of the Jesuits and their war with the Vatican and Popes from 1773 to 1818 in the United States, Switzerland, Germany and the United Kingdom.

    This group of banks created during the Vatican-Jesuit War is probably the most historically influential, secretive, political of any group of banks in human history. Almost all of them have been implicated in an assortment of allegations from funding of wars, crimes against humanity, treason and money laundering.

    The Darier Hentsch & Cie Bank (1796, Switzerland) was the bank that happened to fund Napoleon his European Wars that saw the Papal States and influence of the Vatican crippled.

    The Rothschilds (1800, Germany) are famous for suddenly acquiring massive wealth almost overnight and then proceeding to fund numerous European Wars, Asian Wars including World War I.

    Barings Bank (1802, UK) is famous for organizing the purchase of Lousiana by the United States from Napoleon during his war with Britain.

    City Bank of New York (now CitiBank) (1812) is famous for helping finance the North side of the Civil War, US involvement in World War II, US business in Nazi Germany and US involvement in World War II.

    J. Henry Shroeder Bank (1818, Germany) is famous for being the almost exclusive bank for the Nazis.

    Of the top 20 banks of the world today, over half originate from the period 1760 to 1860 which saw the Jesuits disperse the massive wealth of the Catholic Church to all parts of the globe, especially great influxes into the United States.

    In terms of Private Banks, in 1986, the total asset value held was said to be US$4,300 Billion. In 1997, the figure has more than doubled to $10,000 Billion. In year 2000 alone, the figure hit $13,600 Billion trillion, and is currently still growing at a rate of 30 percent per year. The current estimate of total asset value of deposits held by private banks is around $17,000 Billion.
    The Federal Reserve Bank and the Catholic Church

    Indirectly, the most valuable banking investment of the Roman Catholic Church is its investment control of the Federal Reserve Banks of the United States.

    Through a highly complex arrangement of small holdings across sometimes thousands of banks and cross-ownership holdings hiding foreign ownership, the Catholic Church has effectively controlled the Federal Reserve Bank and therefore the destiny of the United States economy since the turn of the 20th Century.

    The Catholic Church has only ordered the complete pulling of the plug of the United States economy once in 1929 to the early 1930's effectively grinding the economy to a halt during the Great Depression along with Europe.

    While an extremely high risk strategy that could have caused another Civil War in the United States, the action was necessary to generate suitable conditions of poverty in Europe for the rise of Catholic appointed dictators in Germany, Spain, Italy as well as South America. Without the deliberate action of the Catholic controlled banks, the Great Depression would not had happened and by default World War II would not have taken place.

    Since its formation, only one President of the United States --a Catholic himself --has attempted to override the power of the Federal Reserve and the Roman Catholic Church by ordering the US Treasury to print its own money. The money was destroyed the day after he ceased to be President. His name was John F. Kennedy.
    Putting it all together

    Putting all this together, you can see that there is a lot more to who actually controls the wealth of the world and the actions they dictate from time to time that affect whether we will have a job, a home and food to eat.

    At the very least we can blame the US Federal Reserve in part --also realizing that this organization remains essentially a set of private trusts holding the US public and the world to ransom with its decisions. Indeed, it is an institution heavily influenced by its Catholic masters.

    Yes, collectively we all borrowed too much money. But in reality all we did was ask for a little of the massive wealth stolen and held by others such as the Vatican and the Jesuits to flow through their banks and into our pockets. We weren't really borrowing, just finding a way to get back some of what is rightfully ours in the first place.

    The sub prime crisis should never have happened. The Federal reserve could of easily contained the problem and stopped it in 2008. Instead, against all logic they let it get substantially worse.

    The answer to the fundamental question of why? why throw the world back into a depression again after 70 years requires a fresh article--an article that explains the structure of the global banking system controlled by the Vatican and Jesuits and how they started to "turn off the credit taps" by Christmas time 2008

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