is a dialogue with islam possible?, page-17

  1. 7,453 Posts.
    Essays by Ekowa

    A Different Look at Islam

    The Mary Myth, Worry Beads, Catholicism and the Goddess connection.

    What your Imam never told you!

    What are the commonalities between the Catholic Church and Islam?

    From a cursory look they seem separate religious practices with one based in so-called apostolic succession and the other based in the Mohammedan Caliphate. There is some proof the Catholic Church invented Islam to fight the onslaught of zealous Jews and Christians and to gain a foothold in the Biblical Holy-land called Israel/Palestine.

    Let us look at the brief history of Islam and the similarities that exist between Islam and the Universal [Catholic] Church.

    Who is Allah?

    Long before the birth of the prophet Mohammed people worshiped the pre-Islamic lunar deity some called Allah. Allah had three daughters; al-Lat, al-Uzza and Manat. Allah was very similar to the god the Hebrews called Yahweh also a lunar deity.

    This is an excerpt from a sacred text that proclaims three pre-Islamic deities to be daughters of Allah.

    "Near it is the Garden of Abode . Behold, the Lote-tree was shrouded (in mystery unspeakable!) (His) sight never swerved, nor did it go wrong! For truly did he see, of the Signs of his Lord, the Greatest! Have ye seen Lat. and 'Uzza, And another, the third (goddess), Manat? These are the exalted cranes (intermediaries) whose intercession is to be hoped for. What! For you the male sex, and for Him, the female? Behold, such would be indeed a division most unfair!"[1]

    The moon initially represented the female principle [the sun was male] which the Bedouins of Arabia worshipped long before it was incorporated it into Islam. Mohammed's wife the 40 year-old Khadijah [Her name is said to meaning: a child born prematurely] and 15 years his senior, was a devout Catholics along with her Uncles and they taught Catholic the religion to Mohammed. After that point according to the legend, he began to see visions.

    "When her husband received his first revelation from the Angel Gabriel, she was the first person — among both male and females — to convert to Islam. According to some sources, it was Khadijah's parental cousin, Waraqah ibn Nawfal, who informed Muhammad of his prophet-hood soon after his vision of the angel."[2]

    There was no such religious belief as Islam at that time, there was only recycled Christianity [which was recycled Judaism which as recycled Egyptian religions] traditional astrological beliefs and pre-Islamic worship combined.

    The name Khad-i-jah is interesting. Most will say the name means premature child, but on further examination Khad means: Cheek from the Arabic ?? ??????? and is related to:

    "OrionPhi Orionis also has the traditional name Khad."

    And Jah/Yah prefixed to her name is: Hebrew Yah as in Yahweh. So her name could very well have been the cheek of Yahweh and to take it further the name Yahweh or YHVH is actually the name for Hu [Hayah] making her name relate back to the Egyptian root reference the Cheek of Hu.

    "Yah, the shorter form of yhwh ('Yahweh'). Some scholars believe that the longer form is the original one, while others, such as Yah, Yo, Yahu, etc., are abbreviations…" [See IAO]

    The other alternative is to assume that one of the shorter forms is the more ancient one. Yah is thought to have been originally a cultic exclamation which was used in worship. It is not, however, the etymology of the word that is all important, but rather the understanding of God associated with his name. Yah is found in OT theophoric names (e.g., Elijah ('eliyyah), in various poetic texts (cf. Exod. 15:2), and in cultic expressions, such as ' Praise the Lord' (i.e. Yah) or 'Hallelujah' (cf. 104:35, 106:1, etc.) The preposition be before yah may be an emphasizing particle...; hence 'his name is none other than Yah'." [3]

    Who is Hu?

    "In the second Isaiah writings the word Hu[?] was used as a divine title…Perhaps, too the participle from of the verb HyH [Hu] is used to signify Yahweh…" [4]

    The Sphinx that's HU!

    Understanding the name Khad-i-jah could more likely be related to the Judeo-Christianity by way of Egypt than to Islam and take on the meaning the "Cheek of Yah" or "Yah's cheek". Now what could that refer to? The cheek in Hebrew is considered the "Seat of beauty."

    Pre-Islamic worship:

    "As well as worshipping idols and spirits, found in animals, plants, rocks and water, the ancient Arabs believed in several major gods and goddesses whom they considered to hold supreme power over all things. The most famous of these were Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, Manat and Hubal. The first three were thought to be the daughters of Allah (God) and their intercessions on behalf of their worshippers were therefore of great significance. Hubal was associated with the Semitic god Ba'al and with Adonis or Tammuz [see Ezekiel], the gods of spring, fertility, agriculture and plenty." [5]

    The Kaaba

    The Ka'ba in Mecca was an ancient place were pagans and Jews, Christians and the new Moslems traveled to pay homage.

    "Most importantly, Mecca housed the Ka`ba, the cubic "House of God" which has always been sought for pilgrimage and which used to be circled by naked "pilgrims" who kept their idols/icons, numbering 360 small and big, male and female, inside it and on its roof-top. Among those idols were one for Abraham and another for Ishmael, each carrying divine arrows in his hands. Hubal, a huge idol in the shape of a man, was given as a gift by the Moabites of Syria to the tribesmen of Khuza`ah, and it was Mecca's chief idol.

    Two other idols of significance were those of the [al]Lat, a grey granite image which was the deity of Thaqif in nearby Taif, and the Uzza, also a block of granite about twenty feet long. These were regarded as the wives of the Almighty... Each tribe had its own idol, and the wealthy bought and kept a number of idols at home. The institute of pilgrimage was already there; it simply was not being observed properly, and so was the belief in Allah whom the Arabs regarded as their Supreme deity. Other "religions" in Arabia included stellar worship and fetishism."[6]

    Again we read the story of the daughter of the new found Islamic deity Allah:

    "Near it is the Garden of Abode . Behold, the Lote-tree was shrouded (in mystery unspeakable!) (His) sight never swerved, nor did it go wrong! For truly did he see, of the Signs of his Lord, the Greatest! Have ye seen Lat. and 'Uzza, And another, the third (goddess), Manat? These are the exalted cranes (intermediaries) Whose intercession is to be hoped for. What! for you the male sex, and for Him, the female? Behold, such would be indeed a division most unfair!"[7]

    When a child was born to the union of Mohammed and his wife Khadijah and they named herFatima . She became - contrary to modern accounts, one of the stations of Mary-worship for the Moslems. It is said Khadijah later became a nun before her death.

    Her name as several meanings: "Baby's nurse, One who weans, One who is accustomed or possibly One who abstains". The town of Fátima in Portugal was named after a Moorish princess. These two may relate to one another. Mohammed said of his daughter, Fatima "She has the highest place in heaven after the Virgin Mary."

    Fatima (606?-632?), daughter of Muhammad by his first wife, Khadijah, and the only child of Muhammad to bear offspring. She married the caliph Ali, Muhammad's cousin, and from Ali and Fatima are supposedly descended the Fatimids, a medieval caliphate of northern Africa [Moors].[6]

    Fátima, small settlement in [Moorish] Portugal , 115 km (70 mi) north of Lisbon . Apparitions of the Virgin Mary are claimed to have been seen in a nearby pasture known as Cova da Iria.[7]. Also called the "Lady of the Rosary."

    The Fatamid Shiites:

    The Shiite the follower of Fatima , trace their lineage from a sacred Calpihate of Mohammed's daughter Fatima and her husband Ali. One line of the Shiites established a powerful Fatimid caliphate represented by: Khojas, Bohras, and the Druze of Syria.

    How Mohammed came to be a prophet.

    "Muhammad heard Christians and Jews expound their religious views at commercial fairs in Mecca , and, troubled by the questions they raised, he periodically withdrew to a cave outside Mecca to meditate and pray for guidance. During one of these retreats he experienced a vision of the archangel Gabriel, who proclaimed him a prophet of God. He was greatly perplexed by the experience but was reassured by his wife, the catholic Khadija[h], as new revelations followed, he came to accept his prophetic mission."[8]

    But, the brother of Khadijah informed him he was a prophet. The Brother-in-Law of Mohammed was Catholic. Islam did not grow up in a vacuum.

    "When her husband received his first revelation from the Angel Gabriel, she was the first person — among both male and females — to convert to Islam. According to some sources, it was Khadijah's parental cousin, Waraqah ibn Nawfal, who informed Muhammad of his prophet-hood soon after his vision of the angel."[8]

    The name Gabriel mean "Elohim is my strength" in Hebrew and Elohim pulls the meaning of plurality relating back to the Egyptain Trinity of Osiris-Horus-Isis.

    Why would devout Catholics need another prophet or religion? Because Catholicism was not speaking to the Bedouin of the deserts and everyone was not accepting Christianity or Judaism.

    It is a fact that Moslems from various nations, especially from the Middle East, make so many pilgrimages to Our Lady of Fatima's Shrine in Portugal that Portuguese officials have expressed concern. The combination of an Islamic name and Islamic devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary is a great attraction to Moslems. God is writing straight with crooked lines, as we will see. Fatima is a part of Heaven's Peace Plan. It is hope for the world.[9] Excerpted from: Soul Magazine © 2001 The Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima,U.S.A. , Inc. September - October 2001,page 6.


    Why would Moslems come to Fatima is there was not connection to Mohammed's daughter?

    What is the connection between the Rosary and Worry Beads?

    The Fatimid Dynasty of Caliphs

    After the first few caliphs (called the Umayyad Dynasty), the 'corrupt 'Abbasids. The Abbasids were succeeded by the Fatimids, who ruled from North Africa and later centered in Egypt [and are in control of all ancient Egyptian/African antiquities]. Their name was used because the rulers descended from Fatima, the daughter of Mohammed's and his first wife Khadija.

    "Though 'Abd al-Rahman offered 100 camels laden with clothing and 10,000 dinars to marry Fatima , and 'Uthman offered the same, Mohammed married her off to a poor man, 'Ali bin Abi/Abu Talib. Pious Shi'ite Muslims believed many legends about Fatima . According to these, when Khadija was pregnant, the Quraysh would not help, so four women from Heaven came down to help: Sara wife of Abraham, Asiya, Mary, and Safira[Zipporah] alleged wife of Moses.

    Fatima Deified:

    " Fatima allegedly never menstruated; she gave birth through her left thigh, while Mary gave birth to Jesus through her right thigh. Fatima became a houri of Heaven. All the Muslims in Heaven will have as many houris as wives as they wish, except that 'Ali would have no other wife than Fatima . Some see a similarity between the veneration of Fatimaand the Roman Catholic veneration of the virgin Mary. Fatima was been called "the mother of her father" by 12'er Shi'ites, [10]

    Pre-Islamic Arabia was dominated by female centered clans. Marriage was Matriarchal, inheritance Matrilineal, and they were Polyandrous (had many husbands). Doctrines of Mohammed merely reversed the ancient system in favor of men making it patriarchal…like the catholic virgin Mary, Arabs "Queen of Heaven" received mortal form and was subordinate in position as Fatima, Mohammed's 'daughter'. But in reality she was no real daughter. She was known as the "Mother of her Father" and "Source of the Sun": the illumination that separates "Darkness and Light"; the "Tree of Paradise", the "Red Cow" [heifer] who suckles the children of the earth {Hathor/Isis/Auset}, The pure Essence of being. Like her western counterpart (catholic) Mary, she was compared to the Burning Bush, and the Night of Power, she personified the genealogical Mystery.

    Mary and Fatima names are one in Islam:

    "On further investigation the name Fatima means: Creatrix. A-Shia Text Omm-al-Kitab she appeared ' at the creation of the material world...Her symbol is the crescent moon, and still is on the Islamic Flag."

    Mary and Jesus

    Mary was declared to be the "Mother of God" by the Catholic church in the 5th century at Ephesus, Turkey. Ephesus was the home of a magnificent temple to the Goddess, Artemis Diana, one of whose titles was "Queen of Heaven".

    The Catholic church also conferred the Goddess's title on the mother of Jesus. They called her," Mary, Queen of Heaven" and "Mary, Queen of the Angels."

    Current status of Mary:

    Although the virgin Mary is rarely mentioned in the Bible, and although Protestant churches consider her to be a relatively minor biblical character, the Roman Catholic Church has long assigned her an elevated status. The Roman Catholic Church has historically taught two basic dogmas about Mary:

    1. Mary is the Mother of God.

    2. Perpetual Virginity: Mary was a virgin when Yahshua (Jesus) was conceived; this state continued throughout her life. [where did she get those other kids from?]

    Two additional dogmas about Mary were infallibly proclaimed by two popes during the 19th and 20th centuries:

    3. Immaculate Conception: Pope Pius IX proclaimed the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Mary on 1854-DEC-8. Many Roman Catholics believe that this refers to Jesus' conception circa 5 to 7 BCE. In fact, it means that Mary herself was conceived free of sin before her birth circa 20 BCE.

    4. Assumption of Mary: Pope Pius XII, in his Munificentissimus Deus (1950-NOV-1), defined that Mary, "after the completion of her earthly life was assumed body and soul into the glory of Heaven." That is, she was "taken up body and soul into heaven," at the time of her death. She is there "exalted as Queen of the Universe."

    All of the Islamic "traditions and visions" were already inherent in the Roman Catholic religious dogma ripped off the icons from Egypt. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but is that true in this case when we have been subjugated by the religions Europe has remade?

    The old Pope and his Mommy, but quiet as it's kept he worships the BLACK MADONNA in secret.

    Mary, Mari, Maryam, Mary, Miriam, Maya are all variations of the original name Isis-Meri or Egypt and reused by the Catholics, later Protestants and Islamists without understanding or acknowledging the root of Egyptian religion.

    Isis-Mary and Child

    What does Catholicism and Islam have in common? Matriarchy and Mariology! What is Mary worship? Re-created worship of the original neteru of Egypt Auset/Isis...and recycled the Rosary. All roads lead to Egypt, recycled by the Catholic Church, Islam or Judaism or Christianity.

    Mary the Rose

    The Rosary

    The word rosary comes from Latin and means a "garland of roses", the rose being one of the flowers used to symbolize the Virgin Mary. After Vatican II the rosary fell into relative disuse. The same is true for Marian devotions as a whole. The rosary is a string of beads or a knotted cord used to count prayers. The term is also applied to the prayers themselves. Rosaries are used in many religions: Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity. Most often associated with Roman Catholics, the rosary is also used by the Orthodox, for whom it is almost exclusively a monastic devotion, and by some Anglicans which are the Catholic Church's offshoot in England .

    Monks and Arabs in the desert.

    4th century prayer rope used by the Desert Fathers to count repetitions of the Jesus Prayer.

    "The Desert Fathers were Christian Hermits, Ascetics and Monks who lived mainly in the Scetes desert of Egypt , beginning in about the third century. Very few of the Desert Fathers lived in other deserted regions of Egypt . Many individuals who spent part of their lives in the Egyptian desert went on to become important figures in the Church and society of the fourth and fifth century, among them Athanasius of Alexandria, John Chrysostom, John Cassian, and Augustine of Hippo. Through the work of these last two, the spirituality of the desert fathers, emphasizing an ascent to God through periods of purgation and illumination that led to unity with the Divine, deeply affected the spirituality of the Western Church . For this reason, the writings and spirituality of the desert fathers are still of interest to many people today…From the 16th to the early 20th century, there were no changes in the Rosary until the mid-20th century when the addition of theFatima Prayer became popular.[11]

    The Hindu[eastern Ethiopian] chain of reciprocity in the unfoldment of the "Lotus Flower" (therose in western symbology) of soul consciousness.

    The Biblical virgin Mary came to be the western culture Rose and mirrored the Eastern section inIndia and African cultures using the Lotus which was the symbol of the fallopian tube of the Nile running through Egypt .

    The Nile LOTUS as the Fallopian tube of Africa and Mankind.

    Fallopian tube

    Lotus Per-aa


    "In Roman Catholic practice, the rosary is a string of beads made in the form of a circle, with a pendant crucifix. The standard rosary consists of five sets of beads called decades, each composed of one large and ten smaller beads. On the large beads, the Lord's Prayer, or Our Father, is said; on the smaller beads, the Hail Mary, or Ave Maria. In between the decades the "Glory be," a doxology, is recited. As the prayers are said, the person reciting the rosary may meditate on a series of New Testament events, called the "mysteries" of the rosary, from the lives of Christ and his mother, Mary. The use of these meditations is optional. Traditionally, the rosary was ascribed to the Spanish theologian St. Dominic early in the 13th century, but no proof exists that he originated it.

    European Catholics began using prayer beads in the 7th century AD. Gertrude of Nivelles, 626-659 AD; her body was found with a fragment of a rosary in a tomb in Belgium . Twelfth century AD, beads were found in the graves of Norbert in France and Rosalia of Palermo, Sicily. The infamous Lady Godiva, died in 1040 AD at Coventry , England . She willed a strand of her expensive precious stone personal prayer beads to be worn by a statue of Mary, a forbidden graven image."

    Moslems call them 'Worry Beads' - Muslim traders and explorers probably brought the Buddhist prayer bead tradition to Islam.

    Worry Beads


    "They appear to have adopted the prayer beads from India in the 2nd (Islamic), 9th (Christian) century. Preferred for subhas is clay from the holy cities of Mecca or Medina . Other materials, from expensive precious stones to common wood, are used. A 99 bead strand is made of 33 bead sections broken up by marker beads. The 100th, or lead bead, means the completion of one cycle of devotion. Cords protrude from the leader bead, attached to two beads with a tassel. They believe evil spirits dislike hanging, dangly things, imagining the tassel can guard against evil. The beads represent the ninety-nine names of Allah. The name Allah is said on the 100th bead."

    Before the 12th century, rosaries were used for talismans (amulet or occult charms). Christians, who had been influenced by [so-called] paganism after Constantine 's conversion, thought coral purified blood and prevented illness. The CHRIST Child is depicted in early paintings wearing or holding coral 'worry or rosary' beads. Remember occult just means as HIDDEN.

    The Coral Mary

    This myth is the origin of the use of the Coral rosaries. Constantine was a pagan and remained one until his death. In the 11th century, church bureaucracy decided rosaries were better used for counting devotions than as superstitious talismans. Those who were unschooled in the original biblical languages Greek, Chaldea, Hebrew, Aramaic; or Latin like the Romans; or were too illiterate, [unable to read] were assigned prayers to memorize and repeat on rosaries.

    Rosaries and prayer beads were initially intended for the Catholic Church hierarchy, cardinals, bishops and priests, to be given to the ignorant. The medieval church outlawed personal jewelry, so women wore more elaborate prayer beads. The religious who carried rosaries were forbidden to use coral, quartz, or amber; all were considered pagan talismanic articles.

    Earlier the same materials were recommended for rosaries for common folk. Pope Pious V (1500's) decreed St. Dominic, 1170-1231, the inventor of the rosary. At the time, the form and use of rosaries, was officially sanctioned for use by Roman Catholics. From the previous information stated, this is obviously false. Their own followers had been using them for over 700 years. Pagans had used them from the 8th century before CHRIST.

    It's just the same old song with a different meaning:

    Beads of ebony, beads of mother-of-pearl, or amber, cornelian, aloe, coral, date pits, olive wood, glass, ivory, and a thousand other rare and mundane materials, but always either 33 or 99 in number, and always with enough slack in the string so that, as each bead is released by thumb-and-index finger in its turn, it raps its brother below with an emphatic click. The clicks themselves are wholly without character, but their rhythm and the intervening pauses can express a vast range of meaning: placid boredom, thoughtful meditation, agitated nervousness, measured insolence, mounting impatience, burning hostility, and a full palate of shadings between, for the Arab's misbaha, or rosary, is a natural extension of his personality, and a most useful means of getting his point across without actually saying anything.

    The misbaha has been performing this vital social function for the Arabs at least as far back as the 9th century, but originally it served the holy purpose of helping the devout remember the number of times a particular prayer or eulogy had been recited and help keep a man's thoughts away from intemperate thoughts. Coming to the Middle East by way of India , the misbaha was at first probably no more than a handful of seeds or pebbles moved from one small pile to another in the course of devotions. Eventually the counters were strung for convenience, more precious materials were substituted for the simple originals, and lo! —the misbaha was born.

    For a device in such common use—many Middle Eastern men feel undressed without one—uncommonly little is known about it. It is said that the 33-bead misbaha represents, to Christians, the 33 years of Christ's earthly existence, while those of 99 beads represent the 33 years multiplied by the three manifestations of God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

    Islamic waikas observe that the use of the misbaha originated with the mystical Sufi sect, which employed the beads as a mnemonic device to recall the 99 most beautiful names of Allah, for to Muslims God is "the Merciful, the Compassionate, the King, the Holy, the All-Knowing, the Patient, the Wise, the Venerable, the One, the Giver of Life and Death...."[12]

    The word bead is derived from Middle English Bede, meaning "prayer," and was originally applied to prayer beads, or rosaries. Beads are made of a variety of materials: seeds, wood, ivory, bone, horn, shell, coral, pearl, jet, amber, gemstones, metals, ceramics, and plastics. They were worn in the Stone Age—and still are in traditional communities—as amulets or charms, probably because magical properties were attributed to the materials of which they were made. Beads have also been worn since early times for decoration. Easily portable, they have, in addition, been objects of exchange.


    "Buddhism began as a branch of Hinduism. It evolved in India around 500 BC. Hindu converts kept their traditional use of prayer beads. Buddhist monks always carry a strand of prayer beads, or rosary, usually of 108 beads. Buddhists cite the origin of rosaries as: "Sakyamuni, founder of Buddhism; on a visit to King Vaidunya, is said to have ordered the king to thread 108 seeds of the Bodhi tree onto a string. He was then told to repeat, 2,000 times a day, "hail to the Buddha, the law, and the congregation", while passing them through his fingers. So the favorite for bead construction in India is wood from the sacred Bodhi tree.

    The 108 beads match the number of alleged mental conditions or sinful desires a Buddhist must overcome in order to reach Nirvana, a state of oneness or universal divine nothingness. Lay people can carry strands of 30 to 40 beads." Buddha is a title and not a proper name.

    Islam and the Catholic hierarchy

    The majority of the religious iconography and stations of Christ in Israel are held by the Catholic Church, but none were bombed and those sites are kept secure for Christian devotee to visit yearly.

    I was watching at a film from Iran the other day on IFC, and the people in the film were Moslems. While going to the neighborhood temple to worship the matriarch of the family stopped to light a candle and place it in a grove next to the small mosque. Genuflecting, bowed and prayed to the god of heaven for the answer to her prayers.

    Years ago I read a comic book The Prophet by Alberto Rivera through Jack Chick that told the story of a priest who exposed Islam's birth through the Catholic Church. Read about it in the link below. Just remember truth is sometimes wrapped in Comedy, Comics, Movies and Entertainment. Check out the book Mohammed by Martin Lings.

    Here is a link to the Prophet but cut through it all for the references and look them up for yourself.

    'The Kaaba - Shrine of the sacred stone in Mecca - formally attached to the pre Islamic Triple Goddess Manat -, Al-Lat (Allah), and Al-Uzza, the Old Woman' worshipped by Mohammed's Tribesman the Koresites. The stone was known as the Kubaba, Kuba, Kube, and has been linked with the name Cybele, the Great Mother of Gods ( see Mary Worship) The stone bore the emblem of the Yoni ( Indian symbol for the vagina), like the Black Stone worshipped by votaries of Artemis.

    Now it is regarded as the holy center of Patriarchal Islam, and the feminine symbol has been lost, though the Kaaba priest as known as the "Sons of the Old Woman."

    I have more information on this subject 'Islam and the Rothschild's' and the founding of Israelin 1947, but I am still researching this information. We think we know what everything is about, but we are being fed a script everyday about Israel , Palestine , Christianity Judaism and Islam. Each day we are watch the play unfold - and the architects have a play continue fool the world.
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