Is a fifth lock down coming for Melbourne, page-97

  1. 5,383 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 29
    Because lockdowns don't work. If they did, then why are we having lockdowns after lockdowns? You can't completely eradicate viruses, it's impossible! You have to live with them and that will require everyone acquiring a degree of immunity! Time will be the essence, vaccine or not and the evidence is mounting that these current gene therapy ones are not working.
    We may have to wait for the Novavax under going trials at the moment in the US and Mexico (no that's not Victoria) being released later in the year. At least it is a traditional vaccine unlike the experimental gene therapy ones we are now subject to!!! From the trials so far it's been found to be 90% effective against even the Delta variant and with no significant side effects! Now that is a definite plus!
    Just ask the lady who works at my local club who suffered severely after having the AstraZenica jab. Off for two weeks with sever headaches and stomach pains. Thought she was going to die and required a period of hospitalization due to expected blood clotting!
    Surely this is not the price we have to pay in order to over come this virus.
    We should be allowed to have a choice of alternative medications in this country as is now the case in many others.
    How dumb are our Governments going to look if eventually the alternatives are the answer?
    No need to answer that!!!!
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