Is Abbott "pathetically weak leader", page-20

  1. 16,819 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 356
    I sort of read that Pickering post open mouthed . He's saying what a lot of people actually think . Now I'm not saying it's right or wrong ,either partially or entirely ,I wouldn't know . Like all emphatic spews there's probably some truth and some misinformation in there at the same time .

    But personally I'm sick of all this pussyfooting around about what you can and can't say these days . Politicians and their minders are absolutely petrified about offending anybody because the thought police get on the net and in the media and crucify them . Which is why personalities are thin on the ground these days ,they don't allow you to have one unless it involves a Women's Weekly shoot.

    One thing I am however convinced of with muslim extremeism is that you won't crush it from without. It will need to come from within and I'd like to see muslim leaders get a little more aggressive in their language and actions in denouncing extremeism . And perhaps a lot more proactive in preventing it . Otherwise you risk many more people thinking as Pickering does ,that they don't really want to.

    At least Pickering's post or rants like it might spark some more detailed debate ,though the nambi pambis will accuse him of inciting people ,or offending them ,or hurting their feelings whatever. Perhaps some muslims could have their own spew and we could better understand what their feelings really are about this whole issue.

    Either way I reckon he's got a perfect right to express that opinion . Anyone who wants to take him on about it should likewise methodically refute his arguments which must have a thousand holes in them ....without the intervention of all the would be mother superiors
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