my 2 cents worth, when we were kids, there wer no coloured...

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    my 2 cents worth, when we were kids, there wer no coloured children in our community, but there were stacks of European immigrants....
    we did not say things to hurt each other, we said things to make each other laugh, we took the mickey out of each other any of you know what that means ?
    they spoke differently to us, dressed differently, ate different foods...
    we called each other apes, monkeys and laughed and laughed
    the 'new australian' kids called us kids WOGS, cause they said we welcomed overseas gentlemen, we called each other wogs

    I am most concerned that all and sundry have actually bullied this young girl, if she had thrown a missile, her name would not allowed to be revealed, but she has been vilified, bullied by all and sundry, all the media noise and no one is concerned for her welfare ? but everyone is concerned about a sportsperson earning a million buck a year

    love it all the noise about stamping out bullying, and look who the bullies are
    look in your own backyards
    what are the chances this young girl is no different to how we were as kids, living in the country...
    no racial discrimination in her small world, she is innocent in my eyes...
    they could have quietly taken her aside and spoken to her, not revealed her name, not dragged her out without an adult to accompany her to a 2 hour police interrogation...
    how would you like it to apply to your child, would you be happy...
    I hope she survives this ordeal, but I believe she will be scarred for life...any legal eagles prepared to step up to the plate and fight for justice for this child
    thats allshe is, a CHILD
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