Is Andrews flying to QLD for Grand Final?, page-78

  1. 38,075 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    Yes, Andrews does control Melbourne airport. That's exactly why there are no international flights into Melbourne.

    Another small detail you clearly weren't across before you flapped your gums.

    However, he does have the Vic borders open at the request of the feds and to allow people on the borders to move back and forth.

    He doesn't have to put them in quarantine if they have come from another country inside the bubble that he requested not being a part of. However, for the visitors sake it would have been good to check them and inform them of the restrictions within Victoria.

    Melbournians can't more freely around Victoria so it might be wise to let international visitors know what they can and can't do.

    ffs. There is a global pandemic going on and despite the Ruby Princess and hotel quarantine debacles we still can't seem to get the relevant authorities to do their jobs properly. Both federal and state.

    How do you think the kiwi visitors that are now enduring two weeks quarantine in WA are going ? Do you think they might have made a different decision if they were advised of the rules ?
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