Since Covid there has been discontent with both major Political
Parties (The NATS are the RW Agrarian branch of the Libs as evidenced by the LNP);
so much so that middle of the road Aussie nationalists have no where to go.
Hanson is simply too Mumbo-Jumbo and the Greens are simply too big a dose
of Socialism for the majority.
So what should this new party look like?
IMO , Aus Sovereignty, should be at its core because:
-both Labor & the Libs have outsources Aus Sovereignty to the USA
-our economic future has been threatened by targeting China as enemy # 1
-unfair division of wealth where our youth have very little prospects of affording
their own home let alone affording decent rental accommodation
-a tax system that is not fit for purpose
-rising debt which will choke the country by the Olympics
-squandering of our natural resources
-killing off of our small businesses through FTAs and taxation
-a ack of forward economic planning (seen as Communist/Socialist)
The question. as others have asked: :Is AUKUS the catalyst ?