Is Capitalism & Democracy in conflict ?, page-15

  1. 82,037 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    "Dole bludgers are a fact of life "

    I'm not so sure of that -------- I've employed a lot of people in low socioeconomic areas - and, from what I saw - all were moreso victims of a poverty trap.

    sure - somewhere - there's always going to be an abuser - but, in the main - the ones who break the rules - merely do so because they need to survive.

    they cannot get full time employment, they cannot get part time employment - they sometimes get casual employment - they go for cash jobs where they can.


    because of the setup of the poverty trap - also because of the horrible setup of the administration - also - think about robodebt ----------- how'd that one work out?

    from what I saw in the main - they are far from bludgers - indeed, very hard workers most of the time - they just happen to be in a system, in a location and in conditions where they cannot get out of it - no education, no work, trapped in an area with family and cannot afford to move etc.

    sure there might be the odd bludger out there somewhere - but, the vast majority were people = and mostly very good people - just trapped in a system which society made - and, made mostly as if the unemployed are the enemy.
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