Is China getting ready for life without the USA??, page-2

  1. 81,162 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75

    oh dear ---------- what a fertile mind.

    China is doing what is completely expected -- testing Biden with a smile - but, in reality - setting up the chessboard for negotiations - trade, environment etc etc.

    thoroughly telegraphed

    History shows us with total clarity that slow and non effective transition periods are bad for security - let alone the gutting of intelligence and security services by the previous regime -

    America is weak - but, not down to Biden

    Americas weakness might bring it under attack again - like after transition to 9/11 - but, China won't be behind it ------------- it would, however, benefit from it - as would Russia.

    America is dying - China has no need to go out of it's way to risk anything to hurry it along ----- if nothing else China is what we describe as 'patient'

    of course - they see it as just normal
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