is copying cds immoral, page-4

  1. 160 Posts.
    In essence it is stealing. But the larger picture needs to be looked at here. Firstly, many artists would not be discovered if their music was not copied and distributed around freely, simple fact. Most of my favorite bands I discovered through someone throwing me a copied disc to listen to, and I have since BOUGHT more of their music, gone to see their concerts, bought merchandise....this is what has made those bands and their labels as rich as they are today.

    Secondly, the music industry is continually increasing their profits, not decreasing them, and I would like to see unbiased data to support their claim they are loosing sales. Sales in CD's maybe, but they are expanding into other areas of distribution which would offest their loss in CD sales in general. They need to change with the times, and they certainly realise this and are amending their distribution channels to suit.

    Thirdly, many people need to backup their original CD's to preserve them, and copying is a legitimate way to do this (even if it is considered breaking the law). Do the record labels replace your CD when it is worn out and no longer playable. NO. So bugger them, if I copy my discs for backup purposes, that is my choice. Not to mention if I buy a CD, but I also want to listen to that music on my mp3 player, as so does my missus, and maybe also a copy for my car, why should I be expected to purchase that music 3-4 times over? They would have to be insane to place such restrictions on me.

    So in all, no I don't think it is immoral, but if you like the music, and you want to see more of it, always make sure you support your artists so that they may continue to create what you love so much. No question, having a free ride is immoral, so keep that in mind. Unfortunately the record labels skim most of the profits off the top, and the artist makes very little for their work, but at the same time it must be taken into account that if record labels did not make profits, they would not get behind the next artist to fund them, and that in turn would damage the music industry in general. Places like myspace/youtube.....give artists another avenue to reach the public, and hopefully one day these sites can remove the greedy middle man from the equation, but until then music labels are needed by artists to get their music out there to the main stream.

    Cheers Greg
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