is gillard on the way out?, page-11

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    "When she is driven from office and has her hands on the hughmungous pension where will she go and live?
    Somewhere the cost of living is not too high, somewhere not frequented by Australians still weilding baseball bats?
    I might propose that Tim will not feature in her retirement dreams.
    How about a location in Wales where it is wet, windy and cold most of the time."

    I would not be surprised if the qualification of "non-extradition" also features in the selection process...

    Once this socialist rabble is cleared from government and the many varied skeletons in the various closets start to fall out, the royal commissions will start...

    I would expect that non-extradition countries will be a favored destination for many who have been on this labor/green/union rort and fleece gravy train...

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