is greed really good?

  1. 1,976 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Was Gordon Gecko right or is he merely a projection of the world's greatest viral threat: Americanization?

    Or is it just a matter of degree? A little works well and is healthy, an excessive obsession is the opposite end of the spectrum and highlights the direction humanity clearly shouldn't be taking.

    Or does greed create positive possibilities such as the opportunity for big-dollar philanthropy?

    Is greed inevitable in capitalist society if for no other reason we are educated to be competitive at all costs and this extends to the financial spheres of existence?

    I wish I had a dollar for every time someone on the planet had thought about the subject of greed! (I'm joking by the way; I'm more into longevity and quality of life than gold coffins myself)
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