Is Hot Copper Politics Representative ?, page-24

  1. 9,225 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    The thumbs poll confirmed that social conservatives are a minority in society but overly represented here.

    The SSM postal survey proves beyond doubt they are a minority in society. Just 38% of 80% of voters polled No. And we know from thousands of HC posts complaining about some imagined discrimination against white men that the social conservatives here are largely white and often males over 60. So take away the conservative No migrant votes from Asians, Coptic Christians, African Christians, Pacific Islanders etc.

    Then take away the conservative Muslim vote - although many moderate Muslims voted Yes, as did moderate Catholics (well done!). Even though the social conservatives here have a number of the same views as Muslim conservatives and Islamist extremists, the HC social conservatives don't like Muslims.

    Then take away the No votes from people who objected to the process but supported SSM. And take away the LGBTQ No votes (yep, some voted No). Apparently social conservatives here aren't gay, even though many post weirdly graphic descriptions about gay sex and complain about homosexuality being shoved down their throats - posts that are unwittingly hilarious.

    So the social conservatives of the 38% of the survey are looking more like 15% of Australians. This small minority whines and shouts at the rest of us every day from the Murdoch media and the pulpits of Australia, and has infiltrated most major parties. And of course HC, which is another safe place for these fragile souls.
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