I guess if you took a straw poll and asked which side of...

  1. 179 Posts.
    I guess if you took a straw poll and asked which side of politics a stock market forum would likely favour, liberal would be the obvious choice.
    After all, free market, capitalism etc. it's really a no brainer.

    Despite this stereotypical assumption I find myself shocked to see just how anti left the members here are.
    Most conversations rapidly descend into one great big conservative circle-jerk.
    And before you come blazing in accusing me of being a lefty looney or a raving communist, I actually don't support either party, nor greens,.........
    Yes it is possible to be dissatisfied with the offerings of a two party system......anyway that's irrelevant.
    It's the textbook vitriolic slagging off that really annoys me as it has zero value and brings little substance to any real policy discourse.
    And without doubt the right side of politics here on HC is the worst offender.
    Anyone else find this or can I just expect a barrage of abuse for 'not picking a side'.
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