The left take the moral high ground cause they own it.Nobody can...

  1. 2,710 Posts.
    The left take the moral high ground cause they own it.
    Nobody can argue that....a leftie cares more about equality, social justice and blah, blah blah

    My point is more about how the anti left sentiment is almost hate based, like racism or sexism. It has tonnes of emotion but very little to back it up.
    I just feel the left doesn't hate the right quite as much as visa versa."

    You sure your neutral because this is straight from the socialist playbook. When you delve into any issue it is obvious that the left does not have principles they just have sides. For example, the recent PNG proposal from Rudd. This is further to the right than anything Howard had and yet barely a peep from the socialists. If this proposal came from Abbott the socialists would be in uproar.

    Another example, according to the left only right wingers can be misognyists. They give examples what happened to Gillard but when you drill down into the details you find many of those comments were from people identified as socialists. Yet only conservatives blamed.

    The rhetoric coming from the left is filled with loathing. They think right wingers are stupid and evil and they are kind are enlightened...

    The left do not hold the high moral ground. They embrace the command and control systems that tries to dictate to the ordinary citizen what they can think, say, drink and eat. That is not the high moral ground. That's just socialists trying to pretend they care when really all they are after is control.

    Sure you get some on the right that feel the same urge to control the average citizen. Like the collective left, some on the right fear the average citizen cannot be trusted to do the 'right thing', and again like most of the left, also think the average citizen is not overly bright.

    The poor average citizen needs the guiding hand of the caring progressive socialist otherwise they may do terrible things like support a 'harsh right-wing like' immigration proposal...
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