is hot copper politics section unbalanced? , page-130

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    "it's the textbook vitriolic slagging off that really annoys me as it has zero value and brings little substance to any real policy discourse.
    And without doubt the right side of politics here on HC is the worst offender." Bleats 'Entwined' - self -righteously.

    now WHO is it who constantly resorts to constant personalised abuse, vitriol, and personal vitriolic sneering?

    Why, it's Labor politicians, of course. The main weapon in their arsenal.

    Suprised that you, PD, as a Mod, seem to take sides.

    And lump us all, of the "Right" tendency, in the same rubbish bag.

    Look at the Gllard "mysogny" speech great swindle - a typical example of vileness and hatred gone rampant..

    Sneering, and personal put downs, cowardice under the Parliamentary protective ceiling, to Labor pollies, is honed down to a very fine art.

    Gillard was good at it. Rudd an absolute Master. As are his band of "whomever's currently got the reins we'll love for expediency",merrily disloyal men. And women.

    Patriots are not "vitriolic". Just passionate abut their country's best interests being seen to be served. It's just passion - and love of country. And guts - and sheer "fed-upness!"

    This world never perfect - but at least we want it made better.

    Anyone who can't see WHY the public are totally fed up, livid, had enough of the bovine extreme Rudd and cronies now dish out daily, has to be deaf, dumb and blind to what's REALLY going on here.

    For we're "mad as hell, and we're not going to take it, anymore!".

    Some Aussies eat cold soup. Yet won't complain, and pay the bill rather than "kick up a fuss!". Or some meekly thank a radio presenter for "taking my call". I, for one, do not cringe, let alone apologise for breathing.

    Give Rudd an inch - he'll take ten miles. And so those of us who care speak up! SO label us with names all you like - the great Aussie fighting spirit will never be quelled. Moreso so little twerpy totally inept nincompoops such as Rudd.

    SO keep your name calling to yourself, Entwined. And look in your own, assumedly Labor favoring, back yard!

    Their crimes (e.g..NSW Right scandals and disgraces) - going far beyond "nasty words". For starters.
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