Mr Gordon, clearly you are a Jehovah Witness, you belong to a...

  1. 859 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 22
    Mr Gordon, clearly you are a Jehovah Witness, you belong to a sect that was established just over a hundred years ago by a man who left his wife and ran off with his secretary, and then was arrested for selling miracle wheat. From 1872 your founder and his successors have foretold the world was going to end more than 7 times and we are still here. You prefer to preach the teachings of man instead of GOD.

    The Catholic Church is the only religion that has a direct link all the way back to Christ Jesus himself and the Apostles that he chose to establish his One Holy Catholic (Universal) Church and until today we have an unbroken link from the first Pope (Peter) to our current Pope Pope Benedict.

    The Catholic Church teaches us that Jesus is God, the second person of the Holy Trinity. Throughtout the scriptures Jesus showed us he was not only the Son but God also. Jesus had two natures, in Spirit he was GOD and his human nature he was man. Who could forgive sins but GOD yet Jesus went around during his ministry forgiving peoples sins. Who is righteous enough on this earth to judge? No one except GOD and yet Jesus cast out those that disrespected the Temple and gave a mouthful to the pharasees.

    If you wish to seek the truth and be part of the true faith which Christ started two thousand years ago, your most welcome. But unfortunately you belong to a group who are blind leadind the blind and unfortunately you will both fall into the pit, but I will pray for you that you become enlighten and that the Spirit of Truth will open your heart.

    I don't know if you've noticed but we have over 300 world wide bible based religions who claim to be the truth and yet not one of them have been in existence for more than a few hundred years. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit, the paraclete to his apostles and their disciples, the Spirit of Truth that cannot deceive or lie. He promised it to his Church the Catholic Church the first apostles of the Catholic Church, the first apostles of Jesus Christ, the unbroken link of popes from Peter till today.

    Who put the Bible together, who chose what goes in the Bible, it was the Catholic Church under the guidance of the Holy Spirit which Jesus promised to be with his Catholic Church till the end of time.

    You my lost brother belong to a sect which is the master plan of satan to stop people from seeking the truth. I will pray for you. You follow the teachings of man, the Catholic Faith follow the teachings of Jesus and who have the direct link of the promise that he would be with his church till the end of time.

    Not a sect that was not in existance for 1800+ years all of sudden is the truth. GOD does not abandon his people or wait around in limbo until the Jehovah Witness sect is created by man and decides to follow them. Plus the word Jehovah is not the name of GOD, nor is it a proper translation but thats another story for another day. GOD Bless you and I hope you are inspired by the True Spirit of GOD to leave this sect and be apart of the True Faith which Christ instituted 2000 years ago.
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