Is Jesus God?, page-1039

  1. 5,856 Posts.
    Well said and agree with all your points, like the apostles they didn't know everything, they came to understand much with the development of history, same as scripture most are letters and were written for that of what developed of history of their day

    The doctrine of the Trinity or its understanding developed in the same way with opposing views In time

    And correct we have a different understanding that is why we need a final authority to tell us, namely the church, as a collective of leadership telling us as if you go alone who it going to tell you are right or wrong

    This is one reason many protastants are coming back to the CC

    Most definitely we need to respect each other, no problem from me

    You and I as far as we have that difference we seem to do just that respect each other and don't bicker, but with some it appears to be inbuild
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