Your posts are catholic apologetics Youve posted about the...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 547
    Your posts are catholic apologetics
    Youve posted about the fathers of this church and how they developed their understanding etc

    This is totally outside what the bible teaches,also what history teaches

    Unfortunately,yourself and Starcluster seem to think someone challenging orthodox opinion,is bickering and ** and personal,which it is none of these.

    You continually bicker about Jack Chick etc etc in your posts and protestantism etc etc which is totally irrelevant to the discussion point.

    As the bible teaches,Christ taught the disciples what christianity is,and it was written down to quantify what that was.

    Galations 1
    8] But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. [9] As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

    So in summary

    I have presented a case,given my evidence to support the case

    You and starcluster dissagree and support the orthodox mainstream opinion

    Thats ok,but ill continue to present as i see fit on the subject.

    Just because its outside your opinion and outside what starduster thinks is salvational,just because you both say that,dosent mean it is so.

    Just because someone presents a case and questions the orthodox mainstream view,dosent automatically mean its bickering or fighting.

    It means theres another point of view outside your own.

    It dosent mean its "anti catholic" as you portray,it means its questioning the orthodox narration, the mainstream opinion,of which the evidence supports this is another gospel .

    State your case if you dissagree.

    Because so far i dont see any evidence to support your view.

    That dosent mean i hate you or others,it means i dont support your orthodox opinion and state why,you frame all the other emotional points etc not me.

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