"what is happening only if you gotten rid of your anti-CC hatred...

  1. 3,789 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 555
    "what is happening only if you gotten rid of your anti-CC hatred and bigotry that you have and harbour to justify yourself"

    Poor defence full of emotion and opinion.

    You have been told before everyone has a right to question the claims of the "church",you dont think so.

    YOU think its God church on earth,you think the pope is the succesor of Peter.

    Bible believers dont.

    You are the one labelling it "anti catholic"

    The truth is its asking the question if their claims match the biblical nsrrative,and stated the evidence to support this position.

    You are the one putting the labels on things,Mc Carthyism if youre not with us ,youre against us,is your $trawman argument.m,which is weak at best.

    The bible is the christians rule of faith.

    Your problem not mine.
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