Why is he beyond suspicion?Why is the guy who introduced the...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 5
    Why is he beyond suspicion?

    Why is the guy who introduced the super scheme to Australia and took on bureaucrats to float the dollar that set us up for years of prosperity not a traitor?
    Well I heard him say once that in his regular dealings with China when he came back he would write up a report of what happened and pass it on to our spooks.
    What Keating doesn't like is our subservience to the USA.

    Anyway the publicity around the declassification of the A-team is more a reminder that people in the future need to be on guard because of the enduring threat.


    Burgess illustrated this reality by speaking of the ‘A-team’. Not loveable rogues of 80s television nostalgia but rather the Australia Team from an unnamed country’s foreign intelligence service, tasked with recruiting Australians with access to privileged information and the opportunities to covertly influence Australian policy.

    On Burgess’ account those efforts, starting in the on-line space, have been persistent, wide-ranging and, unfortunately, sometimes promising.

    Some Australians have responded positively, either naively or venally, to apparent consultants, researchers and others, promising handsome pay for ‘inside information’ on Australian trade, politics, economics, foreign policy, defence and security matters.
    The ‘A-team’ then tries to take these new relationships clandestine, shifting to encrypted communications platforms and seeking to meet in foreign locations.
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