''So with the Kungflu, it spread throughout the lands even with...

  1. 88,227 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    ''So with the Kungflu, it spread throughout the lands even with lockdowns and social distancing rules in place but influenza was stopped in its tracks?''

    where does a lot of influenza spread from? ------------ how about daycare?

    Covid was a Novel virus - zero immunity. It didn't actually spread like wildfire, once it got away in an area it did ---------- but, until many were vaccinated and then it was let go - in Oz it was really low numbers of cases

    where I am - it spread quickly

    ''Our government could have just bought a small amount of these novel treatments to cover the small percentage of people who were old, frail or immunocomprimised and we would have shown the world how smart our government,''

    wow, you're an expert after the fact huh

    ain't hindsight great

    tell us your plan for the next novel virus --------- what step will you put in place or not - before you know 'some' of the nature of the virus
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