is lying to children ok?, page-8

  1. 30,924 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 174
    No. Teaching the bible stories as truth is NOT OK. Because no-one doing that actually knows. If it is not a proven fact, it should not be taught as a truth. It is ok to teach them as beliefs, but the distinction must be made clear.

    Likewise the primordial ooze should only be taught as a theory, not a fact. There is science to back it up, but no proof. Even if the whole theory could be replicated, it would still not be proof that that was the way it really happened.

    Santa and the tooth fairy? Of course! Fantasy and dreams are a fundamental part of growing up. Developing imagination. And fun!! And you can keep the fun going even after they find out you were "lying".

    The really important thing to teach your kids is how to think. Then they can work things out for themselves (including that santa isn't a jolly fat man in a red suit, but a jolly thin Dad with a deep pocket ...) and are less likely to be brainwashed. Although some people think that brainwashing is a good thing, especially when it comes to religious texts, AGW, evolution, paying taxes, being vaccinated etc. etc.
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