is mr abbott a liar?, page-77

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    tinnitus -

    to my own suprise, I find myself in total agreement with you.

    Pollies of all colors and ilks have been doing this for ages.

    Miracles do happen. (You, and I, agree. well as far as we can).

    Pop your head over the top of the trench - and see how many shooters the "enemy's" got!

    But who are the "enemy" in this? Perhaps that's an area of ideological difference.

    A crying shame that the child-bearing working women of Australia are a vulnerable pawn in this deadly game - mostly males ensuring it's already being pruned back. (But not their own inducements!) And women themselves (bet they're mostly the intentionally childless) - shooting this "help us" measure down!

    Abbott wants the PPL - Labor scream blue murder. Now he looks like pruning it - placating the posturing screamers - and Labor (Shorten, Macklin, et al) jump out and squeal "he's (now) a liar". What a pathetic manipulative calculating crew! Playing sick games with Australia's future outcomes!)

    Yes, it's a man's world. Labor begrudge young, brave mothers/workers any financial and physically relaxed decent break simply BECAUSE it's Liberal inspired.! Just give these child producers a whipping - get them back in harness as fast as you can. If they get anything - it has to be only at the lower levels of Labor's hypocritical self-serving dictate. Do our version - or give 'em nothing!

    How ruddy sad.

    Trouble with Shorten - he's livid HE'S never made PM. And so, he tries to rule us, and manouevre all our futures, FROM Opposition. By blocking, wrecking, defaming, and defeating - anything he can do to (allegedly) sabotage and forestall any Abbott improvements, Shorten will ensure he does it. The modus operandi of hate, spite, fear, and threat, I allege. Not a redeeming feature to be had, in Mr. Bill Shorten.
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