It depends on who & what you define as a religion & what freedom...

  1. 565 Posts.
    It depends on who & what you define as a religion & what freedom "you" believe that they are going to destroy in Australia. (In some instances. What "YOU" may class as a good choice of Free Will, Others may class as an obscenity)

    If you explain what group of people you are targeting as religionists, then you will narrow down the field & help us to identify those to whom "YOU" feel are threatening such freedoms.

    Case in Point...Although everyone tends to brand everyone that has some form of faith as a Religionist. You "cannot" truthfully place all groups or individuals that believe in Jesus Christ under the same umbrella as Christians. (Although the uninformed majority do)

    I.E - There are over 36000 groups in Australia alone that claim to represent Jesus Christ. And most of those groups believe that they are all on the same path. But some of those so called followers of Christ do not follow what Jesus teaches, even though they "SAY" they represent Jesus Christ & Christianity.

    E.G - It is normal for those that call themselves Christians to use the inspired word of God, known as the Bible as their guide. But some Priests & "SO CALLED CHRISTIANS" who use the Bible, will use that same book in a marriage ceremony that joins 2 men together in marriage. This clearly contrasts what Gods word the Bible states is "UNNATURAL" for 2 men to lie down with one another.

    So please name the group or religion that you are making reference to, and state the freedom that you believe that they are going to take away from you as an Australian, and you will have a more concise & focused topic.

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