is resource bubble like tech bubble, page-18

  1. 1,612 Posts.
    All agree that the tech boom was a bubble at it's finest. Companies with no more than some cheap software programs and a lot of dreams suddenly were worth megga bucks.

    Strong resource companies with assetts in the ground are quite a different story. Gold soars on uncertainty and goes back down once the economies start kicking on - yet we would not call that a bubble? Genuine markets have their boom times as demand increases. The markets over shoot both the highs and the lows (e.g. oil at present) yet commodities are real and are needed. IMOP the markets have overshot and good buying opportunities are there right now.

    What we have experienced in my opinion should not be labelled a bubble - simply a correction of normal market principles. Remember a recession might be a few quarters of minus 3% - however that implies 97% of demand is still out there.
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