is rudd personally criminally negligent?, page-41

  1. 8,527 Posts.

    it's 'THEIR' bosses actually - and what, in your eyes, shonky bosses are perfectly OK? OK for these crooks to kill a few kids? Some of these operators who sprung up from nowhere - overnight actually crooks - and calculating scammers! But OK by Rudd and Gillard and Garrett!

    Bet they wouldn't be - (OK with you) - if it'd been YOUR own son, or daughter, tragically electrocuted - in this ill-conceived, rushed in stunt of a so-called "policy"..For, the Labor way - is to ALWAYS BUY votes!

    when you get the knock on the door from the coppers - "may we come in - afraid we have some very bad news for you -" THAT'S when true reality hits. I know, having been through it, twice.

    Can't wait to see what Rudd hands out to us to buy votes for this election he's trying to rig, from a date point of view - at least- free return tickets to Bali - a new updated TV?

    perhaps he'll offer us free seats - to interesting places where we can holiday - like Iran, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Malaysia, Indonesia - giving us seats we can fill up on all the planes he's going to be using to fly these "economic refugees" back home. Funny how (for six years) all these incoming hordes were never ever allowed to be classed as "economic refugees" - but things have changed, via Carr and his parachute, now conniving with the unelected Rudd, to brand them now - as suddenly "naughty" for destroying their paperwork. A lurk they've been doing bald facedly for years!

    SO Rudd can once more fool the electorate - now they are being FORCED, at last, to come up with a date.

    Parliament will have to sit first, though. Rudd will be overseas for that one, I'll bet. Very sniffy about common old Parliament, is "our" Mr. Rudd. Too plebian for his elite tastes. Leaving "Elbow" to scream, yell, and strut his stuff. That's his modus operandi!

    But we need free tickets to come home again, MISTER Rudd. Go on, you have the money! (Like hell!).

    Yes - Rudd, Gillard and Garrett - I allege - ARE criminally negligent. If letters of proof haven;t already disappeared down lots of shredders. As, I allege, the AWU files have already done, ref. issues alleged, pertaining to Slater and Gordon, Gillard, Blewitt, and Wilson.

    (When will all these great alleged scandals and alleged rorts ever be brought into the light of day - or the dusty scrutiny of our Courts?) If it were Abbott - it'd be fast.

    When it's Labor - it goes on, for years.

    Oh no, we are told - these files just went walkies. By themselves.

    And not one journalist, almost, with the guts enough to ask WHY?
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