is the bible authentic?

  1. 5,014 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 152
    there is a good one third of the worlds population that believe in the bibles stories and reality.
    In a quantum world anything is possible but how can a newbie that wants rational, hard earned explanation except the bible as a truthful concept of many stories reppresenting God as the almighty. The creator of life and the Universe. If one is coming from a different religion might that mean a misconception of a truth since in other religions there are different Gods existing as creators as well. I am not taking the p...s as sometimes, I must admit I have been arrogant somewhat and I apologise for having fed people my interpretation in a strong fashion.
    It is good in this forumn that a healthy debate on the bible right from the start gives us different views on the rights and wrongs regarding the bibles stories.
    This God from the bible is somewhat emotional in my view to the point of creating and eliminating people's as he pleases. That to me I can not explain as to why he would do such a thing, even if an explanation has been given.
    the begining:
    Genesis 1-3
    where did the author and how did the author come up with this story?
    he created the heavens and earth, ok what in the dark? He did that in the dark, ok so then he said " let there be light " ok he said " the light is good " well of course it has to be good he is supposed to be the almighty, isn't he? I mean to except without questioning the authenticity of a number of books via a discussion or doubting or even asking questions in regards to prior excepting is somewhat irrational, would it not!

    As a child, I would except the bible as a whole, it being good and reasonable because usually children don't have the readiness to ask prior to excepting a story as being as such. Children take for granted that what an adult says is all true but behind the scenes....
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