Is the Bible True?, page-544

  1. 3,979 Posts.
    It might be good for anyone who is caught up in a dogmatic belief system, atheistic, religious or political.
    Yes of course. I was merely directing my post to within the context of the HC posters.

    No reason to single out religious Christians. For the most part, I don't think their beliefs are much of a problem today. I do not see Christian religious zealots murdering large numbers of innocent people.
    My point being for their own deeper, richer experience of Christianity.

    Granted, there plenty of amoral materialists with vaguely Christian backgrounds and upbringing who are in positions of power, and abusing it. Look at the major party leadership in the United States, since Kennedy.
    The US is awash with fundamentalist insanity. It has potential like no country on earth. It has an extraordinary amount of goodwill and self-sacrificing people, but its fundamental beliefs are a poison that tempers all their actions and reactions, especially regarding international diplomacy.

    The problem is not in religious beliefs, it is in their lack of them. No civilised people believe execution is a proper response to differences in religious faith anymore, except for a few fringe groups.
    Yes, they take upon themselves the form of religious belief but then abandon the deeds of religion teaching which is their sole purpose.

    There is more danger from the existential pragmatists, who will do anything to further progress towards political ends.
    I don't know. Reagan thought he was preparing for Armageddon, he did subsequently recant his belief. But American religion and especially the Southern forms that are very politically influential, see themselves as the forces of good vs the forces of evil. I think they are far more likely to cause or not step back from a conflagration.

    The pragmatists usually likes his things, big shinny things and women called Stormy, Bubbles or Shagwell.

    I am not of the opinion that "Western fundamental beliefs" have done a lot of damage lately.
    But they have filled all the places at the coal face. Real change for the better is firewalled by them. Therein lies the real damage.

    It is mostly people and their actions based on wrong ideas.
    We are naughty by design as we retain a ghost in the machine, our animal instinctual behaviour. We are naughty be design and good by the force of our own will. Naughty is easy. Good is hard.
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